Kateryna26's Blog


Ford. Model T. WOW

Today, I have done one of the most exciting things ever: I took a ride in the Ford Model T car of year 1911. The original Model T has been regarded as the first affordable automobile, the car that opened travel to the common middle-class Americans; some of this was because of Ford's efficient fabrication, including assembly line production instead of individual hand crafting. This is a legendary creation. This car became the symbol of affordability and freedom in the United States.
It is intere…
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Well, well, well. We all know that guys need to feel our care and support. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that we screw up. No telling your boyfriend something, doing something , without being aware of the consequences - all these things lead to the same result : worsening of relationship. In this situations communication is key. I always say that if you are sorry - say it. It will be much appreciated. It is always great to support your words with a nice surprise , such as a diner you can c…
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Hello and Welcome

Hello dear Miss Dukascopy Community!
My name is Kate and I am happy to be writing my first post in here. Currently, I am staying in a lovely house on Martha's Vineyard. It is an exceptional and beautiful place, no wander it attracts so many rich and famous people.
When I first heard about Miss Dukascopy contest, I became very interested in it, specifically because it is a very nice challenge and the organizers are seeking not only beauty , but also interesting ideas, creativity, intellect and mu…
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