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Never give up!

Never give up! Remember this, dejection is the greatest sin on our Earth!
No matter what difficulties you get, the main thing is not to lose heart!
I met several people in my life for which you can't even think that they have something bad happening in life.
For example, I know a guy who goes to the hospital 3 times a week and lies for 4 hours in the bed, cleans blood through an artificial kidney apparatus and he is standing in line for a transplant. And If u look at him and his attitude u can n…
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VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 9 Нояб.

Thats nice :)

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One thing only!

Yes you can live with out every dam thing, But you cant live with out happiness.
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H kevin Saying

Do look your kids,! Dont be hungry 2 gain the respect of world & money cos Thr life is not Thr fault. That's yours fault cos in past you were hungry to do more.
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Aaaand sometimes This happens...

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Cremelady avatar
Cremelady 24 Апр.

LOL .......  nice

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Лучшие вещи в жизни — бесплатны: объятия, улыбки, друзья, поцелуи, семья, сон, любовь, смех и
хорошее настроение!
The best things in life - free of charge: a hug, a smile , friends , kisses, family , sleep, love, laughter and good humor

В нашем мире, в такое непростое время, чаще всего мы можем встретить разочарования, отсутствие улыбки.. Но относится ли это к нам? Можем ли мы изменить все это? Мой ответ - однозначно ДА!
Стоит оглянуться и мы найдем то, что заставит нас улыбаться. Даже шорох ли…
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My live signal is over with profit

Hi Traders,
The intraday live trade signal I shared with you is over now.
Fortunately the take profit target has been touched and the markets is in congestion now above the take profit resistance level.
Here is the proof :
Please let me know if you want me keep on sharing live trade signals of the Forex market with you.
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Live signal for you

Hi Dear Followers,
I am pleased to offer you this live long trade signal on gbpjpy.
This is one of my favourite entry trading pattern made of :
1. Uptrend confirmed buy moving averages.
2. Price action entry pinbar candle
3. False breakout of the previous support.
Target : 174.295 take profit level which is the closest Resistance.
Have a good trade.
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Маленькая история жизни

Сегодня в Москве пасмурно и холодно. И вот в этот день,сидя за компьютером, я расскажу о себе. Начну я с самых истоков, расскажу о том кем я была, кем стала и кем хочу стать.
18 августа 1992 года у совсем молодой супружеской пары родилась маленькая девочка, которую назвали Марина. Марина была достаточно целеустремленным и милым ребенком.
С самого детства сформировался твердый характер. Уже в школе была лидером среди одноклассников. Писала стихи, выступала на сцене, танцевала, занималась
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Order Flow Book Analysis and LIVE Trade Setups 22 May

Back to the Market
- Fundamental Outlook (News and Economic Calendar Events as Triggers - Speculation),
- Technical Outlook (Daily, 4 Hours, 1Hour)
- Correlated Range Bars Charts,
- ORDER FLOW BOOK analysis (Supply and Demand, Limit and Stop Orders)
- COT Charts, SWFX Sentiment Index
To join our LIVE daily webinars, follow the link below and click "click to join":
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