
タグ・フィルター:  Introduction

About Me

Hello everyone! My real name is Dariia, but everyone calls me Dariana.
⠀In 2000, in Russia, the name Dasha was extremely popular and therefore almost every third girl was called that way. When I entered school, there were three Dasha(s) in my class, there was Dasha in each company, my first best friend's name was Dasha. I was surrounded by Dasha alone.
⠀As an active, creative person, I do not like constancy, in some things constancy for me is a stop, a cessation of movement. Passing with the na…
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Hi all

Glad to cya here. I'm starting forex trader. Hope i'll find intresting information here.
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Ваш гид по новой торговой платформе JForex 3 16.01

Целью данного вебинара является знакомство с нашей новой платформой JForex 3, которая дает прямой доступ к швейцарской торговой площадке SWFX. У вас также будет возможность задать вопросы в прямом эфире и узнать о возможности получения платежных карт Dukascopy, а также других сервисах нашего банка.
To join our LIVE daily webinars, follow the link below and hit "Click to join" button: …
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Here is my very first post in a local blog (if I can call it in this way). First of all I'm surprised that only 6 - if I don't mistake - topics can be chosen. But anyway I wanna to introduce myself, so I decided the topic "lifestyle" fits it pretty well. My name is Äll. Of course, it's not my real name - just a short form. I am a musician (80s glam metal fan) and music is my life. Unfortunately, I'm don't live in the 1960-90s era when music was alive and being not a musician was really weird thi…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Introduction to the New JForex 3 Platform in English

WHAT? Introduction to the New JForex 3 Platform in English
WHEN? March 16 at 17:30 GMT
WHERE? Dukascopy Live TV --> https://www.dukascopy.com/tv/Live
The Dukascopy Sales Team holds an introductory webinar to the brand new JForex 3 trading platform in English. The purpose of this webinar is to highlight the new features available on JForex 3. Guests and viewers are welcome to ask and comment live during the webinar.
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
miss_oxana avatar
miss_oxana 2017年03月18日

самая любимая вещь в гардеробе! Супер-лёгкий костюм.. Длинные брюки(клёш) + кофточка с капюшоном на замочке. Стоит.. боже! Покупала в своем любимом магазине за очень низкую цену. Примерно 50-60$

HOME avatar
HOME 2017年03月18日

The next upgrade will appear,
Cash yield curve?
