Atashi_Tada's Blog


Overton Window

This is very interesting subject for me as sociologist, I think pretty much everyone should be away of how it works.
Overton Window - the theory that describes as a narrow "window" the range of ideas the public will accept. Saying in easy words - very tricky way how group of radical/extreme movement can make their beliefs not only acceptable (even if that was Taboo in all public before), but also make it legal.
Sometimes I am really shocked to read global and UK news, but this theory perfectly d…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 15 Jan.

"Но лично ты обязан оставаться человеком. А человек способен найти решение любой проблемы. И что не сумеет один — сделают люди, объединённые общей идеей. Оглянись по сторонам." - это то, ради чего мы живем, один из ключей к успеху и счастливой жизни

Atashi_Tada avatar

это точно

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Mirin Dajo

Can you imagine - this guy could piercing his body with any knife or anything else without being injured!!This sounds pretty much unreal for me but there are so many proof videos and photos that it makes non-sense for me at all. How???He was kind of superman who was trying to show people that actually everything goes from their mind and faith. I was brave enough to watch this video - this is just unbelievable, maybe that all was just a good trick with doctors and illusionists so we people from t…
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30 Unique And Must-See Photos From Our Past PART2

This is Part 2 of the great photos of the past. Can't believe some of them are real life. 11. Suntan vending machine, 1949, looks quite unhealthy!12. A space chimp poses for the camera after a successful mission to space in 1961. These are my emotions if I win Miss Dukascopy contest 13. Unknown soldier in Vietnam, 1965 with smiley eyes!14. Little girl comforting her doll in the ruins of her bomb damaged home, London, 1940, <315. Illegal alcohol being poured out during Prohibition, Detroit 1929. Just WOW! So much wasting.. Save it for Friday!16. Austrian boy receives new shoes during WWII. Looks exactly like me when I finally find what I like 17. Construction of the Berlin wall, 1961. I saw a part of this wall in Riga - nothing special!18. Animals being used as a part of medical therapy in 1956. Mi-mi-mi-therapy I'm sure they'd help me too!19. Hitler’s officers and cadets celebrating Christmas, 1941. That's a huuge table!!20. Children eating their Christmas dinner during the Great Depression: turnips and cabbage. This almost makes me cry Check other parts of this post:Part 1 3
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HelgaPehkel avatar

#12 - haha))

Romana avatar
Romana 17 Oct.


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Jane Elliotts famous experiment with kids

I love different experiments that people do on another people to see how they change accordingly. Below is the significant story about usual American former schoolteacher and how graphically she managed to show what the racism means in action and also the consequence of this effect. One day Elliott asked what kids from the class knew about black people. The children responded with various racial stereotypes such as ignorance, unemployment, and other labels commonly given to Native Americans and …
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3D copy of yourself

Continuing the subject about someone's copies - there is now possibility to capture yourself in 3D format!!!Looking for really unusual present? Using the latest in 360-degree scanning and 3-D printing technologies, Twinkind, a new company based in Hamburg, Germany, will turn you, your loved ones, or your pets into a marvelously detailed little statues. There are also different sizes of the sculptures and the prize for them is more than acceptable, knowing how futuristic is the action by itself …
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annatimone avatar

LIttle people..:) Looks a little creepy.

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Pixel sculpture of real girl in Bristol

This looks really really creepy! One dad loves his daughter so much that he actually made her sculpture in pixels on the Bristol station.The idea and creative process is pretty awesome, but I would be really scarred to see this girl at night when nobody else is on the platform!! See more pictures of how she was created inside + bonus - a video, really creepy!If I'd be a filmmaker I would definitely make a horror movie with pixel monsters eating humans )Here you can see ready sculpture with its p…
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annatimone avatar

That’s so cool! And I agree with you, very creepy. It’s like from one of those horror movies about child being possessed.

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Make youself and your life as you prefer

So powerful - this picture was taken in one of the orphanages in Iraq. Little girl dreaming about her mother, who has never been seen before. Tired of waiting, she painted a mother on the pavement herself and felt asleep on her chest.I see this picture from the positive philosophical view that if you don't want to wait forever until something unreal happens - you need to make it yourself and go further.
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Metal_Mind avatar

Painfull picture!!!!!!!!!!!!..... It breaks your heart even if you don't have one....

Atashi_Tada avatar

@Metal_Mind - yes very sad. poor girl..

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Cutest moth ever - Poodle moth

I'm not a fan of insects at all, but this one makes me so Mimimi!It's a fluffy Venezuelan Poodle moth and it's becoming very popular all around the world because of its cuteness I could hardly believe this is actually real The species was only recently identified, in 2009, look - it's so adorable! ..and these ears ) (more pictures and small video inside)
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alltrade avatar
alltrade 27 July

First one looks very cute but the others seem a little scary or may be it's the "close-up effect" lol

Atashi_Tada avatar

@hyperscalper bizarre is my favourite subject :) glad you like it!

Atashi_Tada avatar

@alltrade first isn't real i guess. they are actually much smaller. I think first picture is hand made :)

Metal_Mind avatar

wow this insects looks so ..alien.....!!!

Atashi_Tada avatar

@Metal_Mind they are for sure :)) small fluffy aliens

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Giant whale on London beach

London is amazing! You never know what you'll see next! This realistic 17-metres long whale you see on the picture below is actually an art installation made from glass fibre and it looks exactly as real!! So creepy.. During the performance a team of performers acted as scientists and carried out ‘investigations’ on the whale, while a team from the British Divers Marine Association were on hand to answer any qustions about what would happen if a whale turned up for real.Imagine yourself enjoying…
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alltrade avatar
alltrade 25 June

Any idea how much time it would take to barbecue it? :D

Atashi_Tada avatar

@alltrade we just need a good company :))

AdrianWS avatar
AdrianWS 26 June

Wow, when did this happen?? can't remember a whale turning up here?

Atashi_Tada avatar

@AdrianWS artwhales coming :)

subota avatar
subota 8 July

save willie

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