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А вы когда-нибудь задумывались, как цвет влияет на нашу жизнь? Почему мы делаем интерьер нашего дома в каких-то определенных оттенках, выбираем одежду того или иного цвета?
В апреле я ходила на семинар под названием «Какого цвета ваша жизнь?», который проводила колорист с 15-летним стажем Ольга Грибова.
Мы рассматривали влияние цвета на человека с точки зрения физиологии и психологии, то есть цвет оказывает воздействие на наше и физическое, и эмоциональное сост…
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mariailkiv avatar
mariailkiv 13 June


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Surf in internet

Привет , Коммьюнити ! В преддверии новогодних праздников работы на работе поубавилось и чтоб совсем не заскучать, я решила посёрфить интересные сайты. Больше всех мне понравился даже не сайт, а сервис Window Wonderland от Google. В канун новогодних праздников есть возможность прогуляться по Манхэттэну, посмотрев сказочные витрины магазинов.
Для начинающих мастер-шефов и кулинаров от Бога порекомендую сайт "Мне вкусно" ( . Я уже даже присмотрела рецептик бананово-апельсинового смузи.…
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wisdom_consultant avatar

Я за Window Wonderland!!!! :) Пошла смотреть )))

JuliannaS avatar
JuliannaS 27 Dec.

wisdom_consultant  ой да , рассмотри все в детальках

wisdom_consultant avatar

JuliannaS витринистика - это же так красиво всегда!!! Сколько там классных идей!!!!

al_dcdemo avatar
al_dcdemo 28 Dec.

Interesting stuff!

FXNOAD avatar
FXNOAD 30 Dec.

Good information

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FED - Interest Rates - Janet Yellen

Llego por fin el día mas esperado (o mas temido) por el mercado. En solo algunas horas la FED dará a conocer su decisión sobre los Tipos de Interés. Aunque los datos económicos no terminar de apoyar totalmente a la moneda estadounidense, la presidenta de la FED, Janet Yellen, menciono en su ultimo discurso, que tienen como objetivo la suba de los tipos de interés. Sin embargo, antes de tomar esa decisión, los datos macro económicos a nivel mundial deben acompañar las proyecciones del o…
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Prudencia al operar - Caution when trading

Solo deseo realizar un comentario personal sobre los datos económicos de esta semana.
Por fin llego uno de los momentos mas esperados del mes: la decisión de Tipos de Interés para el USD ¿Que sucedera? El proximo miercoles se develara el misterio.
Este tipo de datos económicos, ponen los sentimientos del mercado "a flor de piel". Los días previos al anuncio, los principales pares suelen congelarse, pero también pueden tener movimientos bruscos en periodos de tiempo muy c…
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USD - Interest Rates

Janet Yellen fue la estrella de la semana. El mercado se mantuvo a la espera de sus palabras, y finalmente (aunque muy conservadora como siempre) expreso con sus palabras lo que el mercado esta esperando: indicios de subas en lo Tipos de Interés. Aunque no fue precisa en la fecha en que la FED realizara estas subas, sus palabras dieron a entender que ese es el firme objetivo que tienen. Y que si los datos macro económicos condicen con este objetivo, no sera muy lejana la medida de sub…
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JVdsousa avatar
JVdsousa 27 Aug.

At the recent Janet Yellen actually sound even more confused than ever........  She does not know what she is doing or why........  as long as she earns the big dollars that she is getting paid for ......... 

Here is a little truth of her statement and posted out to the reporters

She has no $%#$%?& idea where interest rates are going in years to come .....  Totally clueless, of what is to come or where is going  !!!!!

JVdsousa avatar
JVdsousa 27 Aug.

What she actually said that the "range" , take note the word range, is between 0% and 4.5% ........  and she has no idea where is going to be ..........

David1985 avatar
David1985 29 Aug.

Welcome to the market !! Where everything is possible ... : o  ; )
Thank you for expressing your opinion

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NZD/CAD- Strengthens further more !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: CCI, Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.9515
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 14 Apr.

UPDATE 1: The pair is trading at 0.9376 which is over 300 pips from target. I was a bit to bullish on the kiwi but still with half a month things can go very well. We shall have to wait and see.If the current reatracents finds a supports and develop a higher low there are high chances to narrow the deviation.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 18 Apr.

UPDATE 2: As said in previous update i was expecting a higher low  which formed 2 days ago on  the 0.9297 level .The new formed support was strong and from there the price action jumped over 100 pips in that day. I may say that the current outlook is definitely very good . We would probably see a 270 to 300 pips ascent  and afterwards a retracement which could be exactly what needed to hit my target.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 30 Apr.

UPDATE 3 : The prediction is  very far from target.

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Majority of analysts expects RBA to cut interest rate further from 2.25% to 2.0% tomorrow. Moreover, In last few interest rate statements we have seen dovish tone from RBA Governor showing concern that the Aussie Dollar exchange rate is still relatively high and it need to decline further to help boost exports.
From technical perspective, AUDUSD is consolidating in a 280 pip range since start of February 2015. A bearish breakout of this consolidation zone could pave way for 0.7500 level. However…
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S&P500- Correction to be expected!!!

  • Charts: 1 Day,1 Week
  • Elements used: Fibonaci Fan Lines, Moving Averages, CCI, Time Markers.
  • Current Level : 2009.18
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NZD/USD - Going down!

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Elements used: Fibonacci Fan Lines ,Fibonacci Retracements.
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 0.8756
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 31 July

UPDATE 1:After the retracement that i predict correctly the price action picked up and corected itself. Current price level is 0.851 which os over 102 pips below my target. This is a good prediction but with a day to go may be to far from target.

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NZD/USD- Ascending Triangle?

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Elements used: Support & Resistances.
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 0.8495
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE 1: Current price level is 0.8677 which represents an over 270 pips  deviation from target. I did expect a strong & fast sell wave by month end but  this prediction now is pretty far.We will  wait and see.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 June

UPDATE 2: Deviation increased to 354 pips.

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