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Soon! Automatic trading advisor! Exclusive Intelligent system for ATAS terminal - "TRADE NAVIGATOR", created by the Team of Powerful Traders.
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anna_n avatar
anna_n 12 Jun


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Intelligence is SEXY

Being smart really is sexy!
Brainy people are intrinsically healthier than those less intellectually endowed. And the second, a consequence of the first, is that
intelligence is sexy!
Brainy people really are the sexiest, claim scientists whohave discovered a link between intelligence and virility. He believes a number of human traits – including language, intelligence, humour and selflessness – may have evolved because they are attractive to the opposite sex.

So why Intelligence is SEXY, cool
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Jessa avatar
Jessa 24 Sep


agddivisas avatar

that´s right!

sonjatrader avatar

Intelligence gives goodness, justice, and beauty; as a wing, it lifts the spirit; like a Crown, it makes monarch that holds it.

seediee avatar
seediee 25 Sep

woow sonjatrader, tnx! Such a beautiful words... I really like it! :)

Nadin5794 avatar

sonj very wise lady !

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