Blog de la Communauté FX

Filtrés par étiquette:  Honesty

About me, the deep person inside.

I don't know if you read one of my earlier blog posts "The awful truth".
This post was done for a task asking me what I am most proud of. I answered very directly and honestly that I really am most proud of survivng my past and raising my brother and sister. You see, I grew up in a violent house, that was never a home. I want you to know the real me and why I say that I am a role model. I have a lot to say and to teach. I'm also the only Canadian, Punjabi, Japanese person in the top 20. I repre
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Neetu avatar
Neetu 30 oct

Stay positive, Learn from life, You are special.

CriticalSection avatar

You continue to impress me daily - excellent post!

Neetu avatar
Neetu 30 oct

Thank you!

Waves avatar
Waves 30 oct


Waves avatar
Waves 30 oct


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My intentions for this blog

Hi there,My name is Matthieu Brugger (djashes) and my brain craves to understand the interconnectivity of this world. We are all connected.I love people and everything this beautiful world has to offer. My mind and soul are open to positivity. Reject ignorant negativity. Negativity is important in this world, it keeps us balanced. However, ignorant negativity brings out the worst in people.Sharing my experiences, failures, and successes - as a new trader is my goal. My hope is that you can learn…
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hyperscalper avatar
hyperscalper 12 juillet

Sure, and also how adverse trades are managed is essential to successful trading. That reveals a Master Trader or an "Amateur" or "Wannabe"

djashes avatar
djashes 12 juillet

You are exactly right hyperscalper. Master traders know when to hold, fold, walk, an run :)

Atashi_Tada avatar
Atashi_Tada 20 juillet

you seem to be very nice person!

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