

Vamps Halloween party

L'arc en ciel and Vamps are Japanese rock bands. They both have the same lead singer. His nname is Hyde.
They started having halloween parties maybe 3 years ago and this year is the most elaborate. One reporter took pics of people in their costumes outside of the venue.
The makeup is super impressive. Halloween is getting bigger and bigger in Tokyo. What are you doing for halloween?
In general, I've found Japanese people to be very open minded, not only in fashion or makeup.
To see more, here is…
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Roopy avatar
Roopy 31 10月

super cool. I love their costumes.

Waves avatar
Waves 31 10月

ah ah very nice


Shibuya Halloween street party.

It's that time again. Shibuya is a district in Tokyo where all the gyaru hang out and it's also my favourite part of Tokyo. Amazing place to shop or just waste time.
Their Halloween street party is on at the moment and also tomorrow.
Here are some pictures.
I love this one.
If you are interested in more pics. Here is a good link and a good site that I frequent.
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Waves avatar
Waves 30 10月



Pumpkin carving

Hey guys,
Have you ever done this?
1. Get a big pumpkin
2. Cut the top off, but at an angle so the top becomes a lid
3. Scoop out at much gunk as you can. You can make soup or something with the meat of the pumpkin.
4. Draw a design on the face of the pumpkin
5. Put a lit candle inside and put the top back on.
These are the kids of one of my friends from high school I can't believe she has 4 kids already. How did that happen?.... oh, I know.. Nevermind...
they're so cute. My friend is Vietnamese…
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CriticalSection avatar

What does pumpkin taste like? o.O - Cool carvings...

Neetu avatar
Neetu 30 10月

a lot like sweet potato and then maybe sweet corn but creamier.

Waves avatar
Waves 30 10月

I like Pumpkin soup.

Roopy avatar
Roopy 31 10月

Those are really complicated designs. Wicked.


Music Mondays: Watch with me. (video with me)

This music mondays is very different.
I decided to make a video. If you go to the youtube site you can read the info there.
I should warn you to turn the volume down when the music starts. It ended up being louder than expected.
I used a new editing software and it's a trial version and so there is that publicity on it. Sorry about that. It wasn't there when I was editing and then showed up after I saved and played back the video again. UGHHHH!
Please expand, like, comment and enjoy.
Also here i…
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DumbAsArock avatar
DumbAsArock 29 10月

I like the video of you better than the music video.

Neetu avatar
Neetu 29 10月


drishti avatar
drishti 30 10月

Wooooo. Nice video. :))

Waves avatar
Waves 30 10月


Roopy avatar
Roopy 31 10月

I really liked this actually. you should share more videos like this, your personality really shows and brings me up.


Eyepatch girl!

That's me.
Today I went to the hospital cause somehow I scratched my eye. Now I have to wear a big bandage over my left eye for at least a week. I have to go back to the hospital Nov. 2 and hopefully then I can take off the bandage.
Interestingly, eye glue exists. They put a gel on the bottom part of my eye, told me to close my eye and wala! My eye was glued shut. I can still open it by using my eye muscles a bit. Then they put the bandage over my eye.
This does not hinder my Halloween plans. I…
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CriticalSection avatar

wow, these are cool - I'm really feeling the black rose contrasted with the purple hair :)


Halloween is coming...Do you believe in ghosts?

I bet this place is haunted. This is an abandoned house I found.
Do you beieve in Ghosts?
I do.
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geula4x avatar
geula4x 23 10月

+1 Liked: frightening... ;-)

Roopy avatar
Roopy 23 10月

yeah.. i'm steering clear of that place... yet its tempting... to just take a peek lol


Halloween is coming.

Hey guys,
I'm gonna be painting faces at a fair tomorrow. This is one look I'm gonna do.
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Halloween is coming!

Have you started thinking about what you wanna be?
This is Hyde, The lead singer of Vamps, and L'arc en ciel. They're Japanese rock groups. I might go vampy this year but not sure yet.
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CriticalSection avatar

If you do go vampy be sure to share a snap or two, I'm sure you'll pull it off nicely :)


Halloween is Coming!

I'm gonna have a lot of Halloween is coming posts until Halloween. I love it!
What do you think of these?
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Halloween is coming.

Hey guys,
Halloween is my favourite holiday and one of the oldest in the world, dating back to about 3000BC and the druids.
Now a lot of halloweeny things can be found in stores including makeup kits and ranges.
Here's a pic of the Ardell Disney Villains False Lashes and Im interested in the Malificent one and the Ursula one.
Wet in Wild has a cool range of items. I want the vampy one of course.
Now all I need is some good fake vampire teeth. anyone know where to get some good ones?
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Trader_Andrew avatar


Neetu avatar
Neetu 21 9月

I'm all about cute. lol.
