tshadji's Blog


Happy women day celebration

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WizWiz 10 mar

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Happy 8 of March

Dear women Dukascopy friends of mine, Accept my heartfelt wishes for the upcoming holiday 8 of March! Be gentle and beautiful, enthusiastic and inspired! Be Loving and Donating Love. Be real women, mothers and wives. Happy 8 of March! How beautiful it is to be a real woman. To be able to give life, to make and to give sense of life, to protect life, scatter rays of light, hope, coziness and warmth, flattery and smile, these are the magic that the woman knows!Keep your femininity and radiance! L…
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Piglet asks Winnie the Pooh: - Pooh, what is Love? - "That's all about you," said Pooh. “That is which means everything to you, "answered Pooh. - "And does it last? Does Love continues to the end?" - Piglet asked. - "No," said Pooh, it goes EVEN LONGER because it is infinite! - "And so she is great than anything?" Piglet asked again. - No Piglet, you still do not understand - YOU are Greater, when you LOVE, and LOVE it makes you such!!! - How we are love write? Piglet asked.
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