
タグ・フィルター:  Greed


Tips on How to free yourself from Fear & Greed

  • Have a trade plan and stick to it.

  • When you trade, have ZERO things that show your account balance ever. If you see no $ value on the chart you will think rationally, rather than emotionally and will trade what the chart is telling you.

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megajorko avatar
megajorko 2016年08月31日

Very well said. I totally agree with you



We always fight our hidden demons, weaknesses, 'know it better', FEAR & GREED. Those two plus one's EGO can lead to self destruction of a trader. Big leverage, rush and greed will put you crying in a fetal position one day and it's not a pleasant experience.
Slow and steady, and capital preservation will do miracles to your account over time. What's most important is to look back and see what went wrong or what worked and always seek improvement.
You can show a 10 year old kid a method and he/s…
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Fear and Greed

Good Evening to everyone
I am a little bit busy these week , and i cant focus enough on trader contest, so i preffer to stay out the market...
Recently i am working on how to control fear and greed on this contestand to be responsable for my actions .You know who is that trader that dont have problems with Fear and Greed, ?All we have ...
The key to control them is to be patient and to focus on your goals,If you are determined on your goals, you can beat those bad habits and beat the market too.…
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A devilish triangle of impatience, fear and greed ...(3)

Greed is the third thing that can bring us to our knees. An old trader once told me,
that one must show the market of humility. "Take what you want", he said to me, "and leave the rest to others :-)))) " confuse
we humility not with fear. Humility means also "respect".
Activities and finish the trade for that day
immediately if a single loss. Do you always jump with stop-courses and
Do not out of greed behind a missed opportunity. And very, very important: keep your trading volume on the accepta…
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Polinka avatar
Polinka 2014年08月09日

good luck


Trading Advice: Are you afraid to trade?

I had received questions from traders, and in many of them I overview the fear to trade. Is this your case too? And over the years I have in the trading environment, I hear about new traders, novice, experienced traders etc. but I can conclude that we have only have "good traders" and "not so good traders". To be good trader, of course you need knowledge and skills that require times and patience, but someone can have years trading and still be a "not so good trader" because only times can't giv…
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Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年03月26日

Ofcourse :) Trading this is a skill, and you need to learn it, if you have an instruction a rules, its makes you learning better and faster, than making your own mistakes.

forexgrange avatar
forexgrange 2014年03月26日

Making mistakes learning the trading game is something natural and normal. But, the only thing you have to be careful about it's "...to not die trying..." For example, big mistakes in money management can cost a trading career... And I always believe that if you don't have good MENTOR who really know the trading universe, it will be hard life to survive in the forex trading market...


“Dilemma followed by Regrets – Any solutions?”

Hello All,
As we know that the contest result for Dec 2013 is out, I would like to especially congratulate the winners, and say good luck to all the
rest of the contestants.
Today’s topic I wanted to discuss about is “Dilemma followed by Regrets – Any solutions?”
I am sure that all of you have experienced this situation one time or the other. Some of you may even have overcome it. But at the same time, there may be many out there who are still left out with nothing but to wonder about…
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jezz avatar
jezz 2014年01月08日

Do not try to lose more than you can afford... that includes money as well as emotions... competition is not the same. Otherwise, if the market is going really for you, just set the SL above the price you bought so to guarantee a profit (not possible in trader contest)

Daytrader21 avatar
Daytrader21 2014年01月08日

Part of the solution has already been given out by you. What I can add to your valuable advice is that most often if you can't hold your position after it has gone in your direction is partially because your type of personality want instant gratification and you most likely are better off if you're doing short term trending rather than long term trading. Secondly one way to shift the odds in your favor is by knowing the market microstructure that you're trading, this gives you the advantage to make a better judgement if the move is genuine or not.

A15612P avatar
A15612P 2014年01月09日



The difference

One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he
asked about his bill, and the barber replied, 'I cannot accept money
from you, I'm doing community service this week.' The florist was pleased and left the shop.
When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.
Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill,
the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you, I'm doi…
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