annatimone's Blog


Gold always a good bet on a dysfunctional government

If you hate the government, you might as well profit from it. Gold is off to a good start this week, gaining $15 to $1325. That’s the highest since last Tuesday.
Gold is above the 100-hour and 200-hour moving averages and technically the short-term picture is upbeat. The real story is fundamentals. It’s sadly (and eerily) quiet in Washington. There is no easy path out from here and that means a good probability this stretches to Friday, at least. If we get that close to the debt ceiling, there …
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The US $, and the US economy after the shut down

The fact that the US government has been forced in to this closure by a small group of Republicans is extraordinary when looked at from outside. I am in no position to say who is right and who is wrong in this debate, but one would have hoped that somehow, the national interest would have overcome political posturing before committing to this action. Perhaps the President was too forceful in his speech before the vote, in seemingly leaving no room for debate – and perhaps that hardened the attit…
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US Headed for a Government Shutdown

Early on Sunday the US House voted, once again, to tie a vote on government funding to a one-year delay of Obamacare. The Senate has twice rejected the amendment and will rejected it again. If not, Obama will veto it.
The seeming lack of progress means a shutdown at midnight on Monday is increasingly likely. It will be the first government shutdown since 1996.
With the Tea Party seemingly taking control of Republican leadership, there is a chance this could be an extended fight. When markets ope…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 30 Sep.

Анна ,Обаму действительно очень сильно критикует сенат?В России очень живо развивают эту тему..

mag avatar
mag 1 Oct.

Interesting article on the line of your blog.*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1&trk=prof-post

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Need a Tax Break?

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Task 10 - All Politics is Local

Hello everyone. Below is a summary transcript of my interview with a very good friend of mine, Carol Spawn Desmond. Introduction: Hello Dukascopy community! My name is Anna Timone and this is my Task 10. Please allow me to introduce you to a very dear friend of mine, Ms. Carol Spawn Desmond. Carol is also an attorney and she works for Satterlee Stephens Burke and Burke law firm in New York City . I was honored to meet Carol at one of the New York State Bar Association meetings several years…
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 23 Aug.


annatimone avatar
annatimone 23 Aug.

Thank you...:)

Doireann1 avatar

good job!

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Growth....a revised, revised approach?

The Office for National Statistics in the UK announced that second quarter growth showed an increase of 0.6% - the best growth figures since mid-2010. BUT, what does this growth figure actually mean to the wider population? The answer is very little. With other closely scrutinized numbers such as unemployment stats, and inflation figures, at least there is a relevance to peoples’ daily lives, but what about GDP?? The breakdown of this figure is where the real interest lies. The services side …
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 28 July

haha)) good start of week

annatimone avatar
annatimone 28 July

:) Very optimistic..:) How was your weekend?

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 28 July

good and thnx for ask

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