Erialda's Blog


G7 Meetings

G7Meetings started yesterday, and will be until tomorrow so be careful the market is going crazy these days .
G7 meetings are attended by finance ministers and central bankers from 7 industrialized nations - Canada, Italy, France, Germany, Japan, the UK, and the US. The meetings are closed to the press but officials usually talk with reporters throughout the day, and a formal statement covering policy shifts and meeting objectives is usually released after the meetings have concluded. Both…
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Banks Holiday

Hello Traders
As you noticed yesterday the market seems like was sleeping, some currency pairs had choppy market some barely had some volatility .As we know banks facilitate the majority of foreign exchange volume. When they are closed the market is less liquid and speculators become a more dominant market influence. This can lead to both abnormally low and abnormally high volatility;
In Fact the bacics pairs had a low volatility .The Swiss ,,The French ,The German Banks were closed because of …
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