Nick_T's Blog


Dukascopy Community Team's New Year's resolution

Happy new year, everyone.
I'm addressing you on behalf of the team behind the Community and related services.
What do we want to do in 2014?
As many of you, we also have our New Year's resolution. And I am keen to open this information to you.

We are going mobile

We already have mobile trading platforms, now it's time for the website. We'll have the mobile version of Community quite soon.
We are becoming even more social
We are very close to publishing a mobile application that would help you c…
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jezz avatar
jezz 8 Gen

Hm, I'm having some view that looks like a mobile version, then I switch to desktop view to see notifications, messages... maybe I should send a screenshot :P

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 8 Gen

jezz, please do.

jezz avatar
jezz 9 Gen

I still have an open 'window' to open the mobile version... if it's no trouble for you, I'm not bothered

SFXbernhard avatar

Congratulations what you have achieved!
On the other side it would be nice if you could put in more energy to improve the stability of the JForex platform and its environment. It still has plenty of bugs! I rather would like to have a stable platform than another social contest. If you even want to deploy a new version, please deploy a Beta first. Do not just change and launch a new Demo version. Keep Demo and Live as close as possible. Please rather stabilize your platform than always implement more features. Demo Users, live customers and developers will thank you for that.

Iryna avatar
Iryna 11 Gen

Congratulations for you!
It is good that you develop a contest!

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Developers blog: what's new in version 1.16 - INSIDE INFO

Dear friends, it has been a while since I posted some community news and feedback from developers team. Here I am again, sharing our successes and also failures with you.

So what's new?

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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 20 Set

Thanks :)

HelgaPehkel avatar

only forward, do not stop!!

alifari avatar
alifari 20 Set

Dukascopy community is like a family for me, some days I spent more time here than with my family. As happen in every family, we help each other, we compete with each other, we fight, we complain but everything in right spirit. Thanks Dukascopy for such a wonderful community.

Victor avatar
Victor 20 Set

I can say for sure this is a great success and not possible with out the hard-work of the dukas-team. I have witnessed the transformation from the very first "strategy contest"(without the DFC) in old format and this is truly remarkable. . great going.kudos and cheers

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 20 Set

Great to hear such feedback. :)

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What's new in the community

Hello everybody,as you may have noticed, some changes there have happened to the community pages. Those are just temporary, we are going to facelift all the pages to improve the navigation as community has grown marginally lately. So don't be frustrated or surprised, that's not the final version. What's more, we have introduced SMS-verification system. Why?a) It will simplify your prize awarding procedure. You'll have to verify your phone later on when you become a client anyway, so why don't yo…
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HelgaPehkel avatar

When I want to see all of the participants, I do not need navigation bar. I just want to see only photos of participants.
Your site has become for me a social network. I liked the design of Miss Dukascopy contest. Now I am ashamed to send a link to my profile to my friends, because they will see that all are crooked.
Please, if possible return Miss Dukascopy contest in the old look.

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 19 Lug

Thanks for your lovely feedback.

Victor avatar
Victor 19 Lug

as of now the sms verification is not sending any sms and have already written to support.

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 22 Lug

Have you tried removing 0 after the country code? The SMS operator that provides such services guarantees 97% coverage. There might be some hiccups if you are unlucky.

99Natali avatar
99Natali 29 Lug

I, too, does not work. SMS does not come, there is no code to be entered: (((I've tried so many times, but still, nothing happens.

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Developer's blog #4: Major release

And off we go, dear users. We proudly present the final portion of new products for this spring...1) Miss Dukascopy 2013. If you are a girl, over 18, you should definitely try!!! This is not just a contest. This is a real chance to change your life and fulfill your dreams. We have done an impressive job in collaborating with many sponsors and partners to make the prize fund of $250 000,00Some say that finances are for men. Let us change this mentality together. Ladies, you are very welcome to pa…
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 11 Mag

no people there at this point. We haven't promoted poker yet. Consider this an open beta for week-end ) Everything goes well - we advertise it.

sircris avatar
sircris 12 Mag

Very good job of the Dukascopy marketing department. Very good ideas and very successful the support given by the Dukascopy managers to these ideas. Many times there are good ideas, but if the owner does not approve are just that, good ideas. Congrats!

DumbAsArock avatar

Nick, I was able to get into all three poker sites, but couldn't sign up for anything. I'm using Comodo Dragon (Chrome).

CommunitySupport avatar

Dukascopy Poker is compatible with following web-browsers MicrosoftExplorer10, Firefox11, GoogleChrom16

fxsurprise8 avatar

works now :)

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Developer's blog: Post #3, (update 1.9.6)

Dear community Members,we have just released two new products for public test. This is the long expected Fundamental Analysis Contest and the Social Lottery.Fundamental Analysis ContestWhat will happen there? Let me just quote the rules:"Every week a set of most influential news will be open for predictions. Participants are allowed to make as many bets per week as they want. When prediction has been made it's impossible to modify or delete your comment. By default, contest period is 1 week. All
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alifari avatar
alifari 3 Mag

To take the above idea and continue my argument here are Top 5 Contestants would fair out if above rules are applied. (C stands for Correct and I stands for Incorrect) 1. 18 C - 14 I - W% = 56.25% --- 2. 14 C - 18 I - W% = 43.75% --- 3. 18 C - 15 I - W% = 54.54% --- 4. 17 C - 14 I - W% = 54.83% --- 5. 15 C - 20 I - W% = 42.85%. If you notice out of these contestants 2 of the contestants Win Rate Ratio is less than 50% which means they have more incorrect than correct and as such they should not be allocated any Dukascopy Points out of those 40 Points suggested.

alifari avatar
alifari 3 Mag

So, Contestant number 1 should be allocated 40 Points - Contestant number 2 should be allocated 0 Points. Contestant number 3 should be allocated 35 Points. Contestant number 4 should be allocated 34 Points. Contestant number 5 should be allocated 0 Points.

alifari avatar
alifari 3 Mag

The remaining 40 Points could be given based on traders detailed analysis and comments and that has nothing to do with correct predictions, but a fair analysis and traders ability to assess news impact on longer term.

scramble avatar

Well, actually I agree with alifari: I mean, contestants should have at least a minimum 1 prediction x day, and end the week with a W/L ratio > 50% so at least 3 correct and 2 incorrect, before considering any further point. Furthermore in my opinion the losing predictions cut way too much points! Definetly if one has more winnings than losings, and a good analysis, can't finish in lower ranking because of less "like". Nothing to say with last week's results!! I mean.. something to think about for the future! Thank you

piter44 avatar
piter44 5 Mag

I agree that 2 predictions is to low, coz I can easly chose 2 firm events durng a week. However it shouldn't be depended from every day prediction. Lets make 3 maybe 4 preditcions during a week regardless of the day.

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Developer's blog #2, new update is coming up

Dear DFC members,we have rolled out the update for closed testing. If everything goes well, you'll see 2 new contests today or on Monday. We still have a very busy and exciting roadway to version 2.0. You'll be amazed and you won't recognize the current DFC in 2-3 months. Hopefully the changes will be for better.As for now,
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Developer's Blog: Post #1 (1.8 Release)

Dear all,some of you might know that I'm one of the guys behind the community. This is true, I'm a project manager. And from now on, since we have a blog, I'll communicate with you with its help.Here you can ask questions, offer me something, share your feedback. From my side, I'll give you info about what we are doing, what we expect from you and what we want to achieve. This year, DFC has been pronounced as a very important project for our Bank's development, therefore the things are now chan…
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 9 Apr

@ Efegen, please check your e-mail.

alifari avatar
alifari 12 Apr

Is this function working because I didn't received notification when the user I follow updated a blog. "Moreover, the users that follow you see notifications that you have a blog record. It is also displayed in your activity log".

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 12 Apr

It doesn't work with updating?

alifari avatar
alifari 12 Apr

Well I have favorite users and I never received notification when they update their blog.

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 12 Apr

We'll take a look at what might be wrong.

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