

Ford. Model T. WOW

Today, I have done one of the most exciting things ever: I took a ride in the Ford Model T car of year 1911. The original Model T has been regarded as the first affordable automobile, the car that opened travel to the common middle-class Americans; some of this was because of Ford's efficient fabrication, including assembly line production instead of individual hand crafting. This is a legendary creation. This car became the symbol of affordability and freedom in the United States.
It is intere…
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Big Week for New York City

This week has been a very exciting time in NYC, as it is FASHION WEEK. It is known all over the world. Designers, bloggers, models from different countries are getting ready for this even months in advance. It is very prestigious and fun. All around the city one could notice stylish people, getting ready to see the new trends of the season. Photographers had their cameras ready to capture both the sophisticated looks of the runway and fancy outfits some people had on the streets.
I was lucky to …
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Today...only a few years earlier :)

For all of us, today, August 30 is another day to smile, have fun and be happy. For U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Guion S. Bluford that day was unique, his dream came true: he finally went to space. Now, why would that be interesting for us? Because he is the first African American to go into space !!! In happened in 1983 and he took off from Florida at 2.32 am. Many people gathered around to see that historical event. I think it is very important, because today all around the world people …
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示