fr33m4n's Blog


Day 10: Weekend Marathon

Today was a really hot day, so I spent most of the day indoors. There was a lot of temptation to visit several social media sites, rather than give in I decided to start reading a new book. The title of the book is "50 shades darker" by El James; this way I got to read and develop my vocabulary.I am going to visit the barber tomorrow, touch up on my punk hair-do. I have stuck to my appearance change, going with onlycorporate outfits for work. People now look at me differently, i…
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Day 8: Dukascopy Marathon


On the sports scene, my achievements:
  • My cross fit routine consisting of crunches, press-ups, hand-stands.
  • Three sets of 25 sit-ups, which are completely bringing the 6-pack back.

  • The 10,000 steps via a run and fast walk


Today's meals:
  • Breakfast = toast bread and some tea
  • Lunch = White rice and plantain
  • Dinner = some apples and oranges

No fast food visits and no alcohol. Then there is the 4 liters of water I drank today. For today's blog, I have decided to do a small piece on th…
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Day 7: Dukascopy Marathon

No pain, no gain! This is a common saying among trainers and work-out instructors. The general idea is to endure and put in effort for what one truly wants. This saying is true because it takes a lot of effort to achieve the type of physique mos of us want. Staying fit requires exercise, it may not be so much exercise but the quality and consistency is what matters. This is what I remember everyday I take a run to meet the 10,000 steps required.
The first few days are usually very hard, th…
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Day 6: Dukascopy Marathon


I had to get up really early today, after a long holiday it was time to get back to work. I did my morning run, a little over 8KM, which was more than enough to meet the 10,000 steps.
Then I did my cross-fit routine and the set of sit-ups. The last part had me panting heavily.
The sit-ups also went well, I got my kid brother as cameraman; and he caught it on film.

For breakfast, I went with a bowl of cereal and two glasses of Freshly-squeezed orange juice. I enjoyed the juice a lot,…
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Day 5: Dukascopy Marathon


I did my 10,000steps and Cross fit routine quite easily.
The three sets of sit-ups are also feeling a bit easy. During these work-outs, I try to focus on my breathing; to keep my breathing as even as possible and not over-exert myself.
During my runs, I take short breaks and do a fast walk whenever I get really tired. I do regular stretches before the runs and I make sure I am well-hydrated.
The body muscles that feel this strain most are the abdominal muscles, upper arms, thighs and calv…
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Day 3: The Marathon Continues

Today's run was not as stressful as yesterday; my body and muscles are gradually adjusting to the change. I still make sure I do some stretches before I hit the road, I have also started do some after the run. I was able to do 8KM today, and all within an hour and half. This was my fourth run, because I started on the 12th of April, and so far so good.
I have been sticking to a particular route, and doing the running early before the sun comes out and it gets too hot. The trick to running…
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Vicktoria avatar
Vicktoria 17 Apr.

Not easy but you can do it! Be strong!

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Day 2: Dukascopy Marathon

This is the second day, and I am happy to announce I am still standing strong. The contest is a personal challenge, so I am doing all I can to make it work.
The lifestyle changes I have made have gotten some very funny reactions from my friends and family. First of all, some people seem to like the new look, especially the appearance change. I now understand how important our outfits can be; a good suit will open several doors for you.
I am now making several calls; to make this work I…
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Cremelady avatar
Cremelady 14 Apr.

great approach!

Cremelady avatar
Cremelady 14 Apr.

waiting for more videos :)

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Day 2: Official Start

Like I mentioned in my first post, I am challenged my the Dukascopy Marathon contest, because it gives me a chance to publicly accept some goals and commit to achieving them. And achieving them requires some big lifestyle changes, which I am very happy with. A chance to become a better you and probably encourage others in the process.
Here, I will be saving a lot of money, since I will be stay clear of all Fast food joints. No more food binges or junk meals. I am also focusing on taking in …
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Day 1: Getting Started

This is my first blog post for the contest, and I am really excited about it. I am taking this contest as an opportunity to get myself in shape and try out some new life changes.
For health:
  • Cutting out alcohol
  • Drinking an adequate amount of water, somewhere between 3 - 4 litres of water daily
  • No fast foods, packages juices and the likes.
For Sport:
  • 10,000 steps every day, which is about 7.8KM
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romantie avatar
romantie 19 Apr.

Awesome work, man!

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