ShahinM's Blog



how are you doing today?!
I just came home from gym, and I’m about to attack these fruits !!! But I think first I need to take a nap, maybe I’ll eat them all, afterwards!!
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Sport some everyday

I totally was about to forget todays’ post !!!
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Stella19 8 Jan.


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An Advanced Foodie,

I’m a foodie, and also from the foods I’ve ate and these are the photos I took before starting to eat, you could say what’s my favorite
and also I was talking about a little trip I’m about to have, so it was today, right now I’m on the way back, but it was to konya, And I’m telling this because I just had a most surprising experience!!!
you all know that I’m fan of meat, but I should say I’m just eating grounded meat, did you know that?! Alright, as you could see at the top right of these meals …
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A day off!

Today, I’ve done nothing, I’ve just took a day off, listening to music, taking a shower, watching TV series, Checking Q&As on 911 Connect, eating portions of food, And resting,
tommorow I have a little trip to do
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I’m more fan of Meat than vegetables!!

I’m more fan of Meat than veggies, but I really won’t choose in between, I love dishes, filled with all the needs to your body, and with mentioning the beauty of the dish itself, or in some cases the whole table ! Which is one my favorites, specially when breakfast,
There’s no matter in the foods which could have all the minerals, vitamins, and in total the needs of a body, just by itself,
Dishes could be satisfy all the needs, and also could be totally amazing, and delicious and well cooked…
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Cheesy Crispy !

Some thinks this is the only meal I could prepare!!!
Because sometimes I’m eating this almost everyday, and I really is the fan!
Between all the dishes I could prepare for myself this is the worst one, but i really like it, it’s cheesy and crispy, and Hot!
try it with a glass of coke, and you’re gonna love it ...
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A colorful World full of vitamins

Recently I was visiting a village where they were drying fruits
Everything about these creatures is good,
They’re both healthy, and wealthy,
How? Let me explain some so you could just get the idea
First of all, the most important thing which a fruit includes so much of it, is the water,which you could not find in any mineral water bottle
Then the elses depend on how and where a fruit has been raised?!
But mainly, Vitamins, Fiber, Minerals,... you always could find in all the fruits
Also they are…
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Eat less, but always!

Well, Hello
This is me having breakfast,
I don’t remember the last time I was not hungry! I mean I’m always hungry, maybe I just had a meal, or I just was full, but I’m always hungry,
I believe in Eat less,but always, all the time during days you could find me Eating or drinking,
Sweets,Chewies, Dry fruits, nuts, Fruits juice, Milk,Sandwiches,and trust me,
I’m drinking water more than 24 hours per day, and I love all the finger foods & small dishes which I’m making and usually they’re full of C…
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Sasha_spicy avatar

I know this feeling when u always hungry, bcz Im a student))

ShahinM avatar
ShahinM 18 Mar.

Hey Sasha!  ???? I actually am like this since I was an student, and I remember I always was an Student! I’ve always been studying, and I think Excercises of mind would make more hunger than that of body could make, and both?! ????Just don’t ask, and pass the bread !!!

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