Блог Erialda


G7 Meetings

G7Meetings started yesterday, and will be until tomorrow so be careful the market is going crazy these days .
G7 meetings are attended by finance ministers and central bankers from 7 industrialized nations - Canada, Italy, France, Germany, Japan, the UK, and the US. The meetings are closed to the press but officials usually talk with reporters throughout the day, and a formal statement covering policy shifts and meeting objectives is usually released after the meetings have concluded. Both…
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Surprised by the tittle, i was too,when i was informed about that ...Well, you are wondering what is this info that is worth 2500 $ , for what is talking Erialda ...?I am not joking, i was sailing in internet when i saw the information , and i run quickly at my deposit pig coins, in fact i like to collect coins, and i have some of them from different countries, so i am a little collector ...:POk, ok do you have 1 cent coin in your hand or in your deposit pig coins..?If yes , i recommend you to w…
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 4 Авг.

Thanks Pawansansanwal..:)

Erialda avatar
Erialda 5 Авг.

Very kind of You Novaj that appreciate this info...

Erialda avatar
Erialda 5 Авг.

Thanks swordfish :)))

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 5 Авг.

I don't have 1 cent coin but for sure..i will pay attention to 1 cent coins from now on :) Thanks!!

marius24 avatar
marius24 24 Авг.

second and third place in trader contest worth also 2500$ :))

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