SikmaN's Blog


20 08 2018

20 08 2018
Locally, statistics supported the national currency, however, the overall trend is still bearish. At the last meeting, the Reserve Bank reiterated that its current monetary policy fully corresponds to the goals of inflation and the rate of economic growth. The dollar exchange rate remains extremely sensitive to what is happening in the global economy and separately in China - a key strategic partner of the countries of Oceania.
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08 08 2018

08 08 2018
The yesterday's announcement by the US Trade Mission (USTR) about imposing a $ 25 billion import on Chinese 25% duty was also unexpected for the market. According to the White House comments, these measures are a response to China's unfair trade practices related to the theft of US technology and intellectual property.
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07 08 2018

07 08 2018
The Eurocurrency is almost doomed to traffic below 1.15. To contribute to this, as before, will be weak macroeconomic data, the contrast of monetary policies of the ECB and the Fed, as well as the uncertainty in the trade relations between the EU and the US. Published yesterday data on industrial orders in Germany were even more disappointing for traders than the weak report on retail sales, released on Friday.
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04 08 2018

04 08 2018
At the end of the two-day meeting, the Fed kept interest rates and commitment to a plan to gradually increase the cost of borrowing in a strong economy. The committee called the risks for the economic prospects generally balanced and reiterated that monetary policy remains stimulating. Most members of the Fed in June forecast three or four rate increases in 2018, which implies two more "tightening" this year.
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03 08 2018

03 08 2018
Macroeconomic statistics leaves much to be desired, EU negotiations with the US on trade issues drag on until the fall, and the Fed is eagerly waiting for the September meeting to once again raise rates. Literally yesterday it became known that the next round of EU trade negotiations with representatives of Washington will take place only in September, which means that the state of uncertainty will be prolonged for at least two months.
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01 08 2018

The course of the American regulator continues to correspond to the consistent and gradual tightening of monetary policy, and the recently published strong macroeconomic data have created a solid foundation for at least two more rate hikes this year. The fact that the Fed's plans are unlikely to change will be confirmed by the growth in the yield of US bonds. In particular, the yield of Treasury 10-year Treasuries again approaches 3%.
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31 07 2018

31 07 2018
The dollar will act against the euro. On the eve of the US Federal Reserve decided to raise the rate on federal funds to 2%. At the FedReuters' leadership conference held after this conference, Jerome Powell noted the good state of the economy, which creates conditions for more aggressive rates of rate hikes this year. In other words, the chairman of the Federal Reserve indicated the readiness of two more increases by the end of this year.
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30 07 2018

30 07 2018
The current conditions in the form of unemployment at the 18-year minimum level, as well as the 2% target for inflation, are more than sufficient to continue the policy of higher interest rates. I expect the growth of the currency pair on the release of this news.
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29 07 2018

29 07 2018
President of the United States Donald Trump announced on June 15 that in connection with the theft of US intellectual property and technology by China, and against the backdrop of unfair trade practices, Washington will impose 25% duty on Chinese goods worth $ 50 billion. Tariffs for products and services, the total value of which is estimated at $ 34 billion, will come into force very soon.
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28 07 2018

28 07 2018
Market participants are in no hurry to develop an upward trend, despite the obvious improvement in the political situation in the Eurozone. German Chancellor Merkel was able to keep the coalition government from disintegration thanks to the agreement reached on migrants. Earlier, the disagreement between Merkel and her coalition partner threatened to disintegrate the government.
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