WallStreet6's Blog



Today had for dinner something light great for the high temperatures at almost 30 degrees. Pierogies/dumplings filled with white cheese and blueberries and topped off with fresh strawberries. Dumplings fried on olive oil.
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Risotto with tomatos, corn and drowned in olive oil of course. Delicious
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Hot dogs with sandwiches

Today i ate hot dog sausages with sandwiches with creme cheese and dill.
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Walk in the park

A walk in the park today. Did over 20000 steps. Great weather. Prefer to do my meditation at home though.
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Herring, carrots and peas

Today for dinner was herring with carrots and peas. And some olive oil added.
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Meatballs in dill sauce

Today for dinner I eat meatballs in dill sauce topped up with some olive oil and surprise, surprise, some dill.
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Vegetables decrease tobacco usage

I have noticed that when I eat more vegetables I feel like smoking less tobacco. It helps. 10000 steps a day is going great and making some progress in meditation.
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Cordon bleu with potatoes and broccoli

Today for dinner was cordon bleu with potatoes and brocoli, no salt added. And some dill on top.
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Hot dogs and salad

Today's dinner was hot dog sausages with mustard and a ???? salad. The salad was made of cabbage, lettuce, tomato and dill.
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Chicken with vegetables

Today's dinner comprised of 2 pieces of read made cordon bleu, that is chicken fillet with some ham and cheese inside. Complementing the meat were potatoes and cabbage from this year's crop as well as lettece and tomato. All this sprinkled with some dill.
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