neoGe's Blog



This is just a glance over the photos taken and selected for the Dukasummer contest tasks. It seems like an interesting revisit.
From The Sun Rise
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It is not that we find time to cook our food everyday, that is if you are staying alone in a place. And again, if you are a person who do not have a taste for fast foods, then its better to have an alternative arrangement. I have. I have put up some images....just in case.
N. B. You green gram sprouted and normal
Ginger and lemon when needed
See you later.
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The institution of family has been a marvelous thing to evolve in the path of human civilization and it has played a pivotal role in bringing the human life on this planet to such a serene and settled stage, even though, sometimes isolated incidents might state the contrary. The father wandering, sometimes meandering for the livelihood of his loved ones most of the times and very rarely with other intentions,the mother has been the kingpin who spread an invisible ambit for her family members wit…
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This island nation is too crazy about one thing-football. Most of the islands I have visited, have a football field. The astonishing fact is that some of these islands are so small that the football field covers more than 1/4 of the island's total area.Bigger islands have more than one football fields. Only their mosques get a priority when it comes to using the area available in an island, but they do not cover as much area as a football field covers.
Adjacent to this floodlit football field th…
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'Cook a dish' and 'What is you'! Ya, Its fine to ask once in a while in our lives like that? It sets something rolling-the seeking. Whatever you do, whoever you meet,wherever you seek, finally you end up realizing that you are what you gather from this soil, mainly through eating. Now, you eat something, a few hours later the thing you have taken in, will not be there but you will be, in its place. And for sure,this accumulated, or the body, will return to the place it was gathered from.
Just th…
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Hashimu avatar
Hashimu 26 Aug.


neoGe avatar
neoGe 27 Aug.

Thank you, Hashimu

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What makes this recipe unique?
Through experiences I have learnt that some foods do more than satisfying our hunger or giving strength to our muscles! They make us fly high! I mean it -in every sense of the phrase. You move with springs under your feet, not just due to the energy provided by the dish you have just taken but also by the pleasant thoughts and mannerisms emanate from you from nowhere, it seems! In short You feel on top of the world! I have felt it whenever I enjoyed such a dish lik…
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Holiday Dish
The mid-term holidays this year, coincides with the festival season here. Anyhow, during such holidays I venture into my trial and error method with my cooking. This time around, the target is the 'food medicine' or 'food treatment'. Not because There is any illness, instead, just as a precaution. Moreover, after a few weeks of continuous struggle between the teachers and the 'taught', the crucial dopamine level seems to be a bit down. At such a scenario, the above mentioned 'treatm…
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Hashimu 26 Aug.


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The terrible tsunami that struck the Indian ocean Nations on that deadly night of December 6 2004,would have devastated the low lying islands (one to one and half meters above sea level) of the beautiful archipelago if there were not enough mangroves to protect them.
Maldivian islands are not home for huge sky scrapping trees. The biggest trees you will find here are Bread fruit trees, Bunyan trees, etc. Most of the vegetation here is the protective angels like mangroves.
The tiny islands which …
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Alright ! That was a second thought. As I found a few hours free time today I got out on to the road and flaunted the 'hitchhiker's thumbs up sign towards the first vehicle,obliviously our motorcycle- came towards me. It is very rarely that we find a stranger here, that too riding a vehicle and this rider was known to me but he could not follow my sign language as I have mentioned in my earlier post, this is a rare phenomenon in the Maldives.
Hence I explained briefly what was my intention in i…
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Having a free ride and seeing an unknown destination- that was my intention when I selected 'hitchhiking' as one of my Dukasummer contest tasks, and I was a bit excited too as I had never ventured this kind of travelling! I work in a small island and there is no point in travelling in this tiny area but I have seen my colleagues taking their motorbikes in the boats to remote islands -may be to visit their friends or to conduct some short term business ventures during the mid-term or the term-end…
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