Hashimu's Blog



So, this was the day i met my girl and she was so perfect. It just took a while to realize how great she was and she was never into me as much as i can recall but she was adorable and make my life like swing every time i wake up and understand that she is not in my bed with me. Her mom was my greatest friend except her father was so brutal and never even allow her to look at me even for a minute, she will be in trouble.
After two years she got married... It took some time to move on but now i m…
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pmalykhina avatar

I wish you to be the happiest! Keep smiling! :)

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We took our time in this summer and go to personality training and reporting about African children and how they spend their time. We visited the excited places and one of the place we went is here. Where we take our time and study on how children enjoy their life when they are alone and how they do spend the happiness time when they are with strict terrifying parents.
At the end we discovered that, children will always be happy and enjoy when they are alone or when they are with cool parents an…
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This is the best solution to overcome fear

When i was a little boy i used to be very very terrified when it comes to horror movies and even horror stories. I used to stand all night feared to sleep, that felt the things i saw will happen in my dreams and when i was sick, i used to shout sometimes during night times. Seen things and sometimes terrified that i will be killed by whoever kill people in movies and bad enough, whenever the story is called or based on true story. God i was like... Whaat is this, so is thing really? i was so so…
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Weight loss is a term that lights up everyone’s eyes. Everyone has their own philosophy for losing weight, and yes they swear by it. Apparently that is the best way you can possibly take to lose weight. In all fairness, to each his own is a fine philosophy, but you will not lose weight with philosophical jibber jabber. You require a deep understand of what you are up against and then work accordingly, with precision. When it comes to w…
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The way you look and dress announces how you feel about yourself, and you’ll be treated accordingly. I learned this concept at a young age. I was a painfully-shy and introverted teenager. My low point was during a high school singing audition when I was sixteen. I walked across the stage with a disastrous haircut, in a jeans my friend chose for me; it was a dreary color and horrible style. I stood there and sing and completely blanked out. I hated the way I looked so much t…
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I dance like crazy

Dancing is passion, dance is love by itself..
i have that last night and it was amazing. I took my beautiful time and danced and danced again so hard. I was like Oh my God, people knock my door and run but i could never stop for hours and then i was so tired i waited a little and then i turn my music loud and danced again and again. For really dance is lovely for those who do that as professional i need some help to do this everyday. The good thing is i had a good sleep and woke up today happily…
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Yuliya_N avatar
Yuliya_N 25 Aug.

good job)

Hashimu avatar
Hashimu 26 Aug.


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Giving up all communication

I have never tried this before in my life but i did it. I managed to be out from the communication and network in general and i was not easy but i did it.
When i get out of my house, i spend the morning time roaming and learning some stuffs. I felt so difficult to do things without communication, that include mobile phones, computer, tablet and even myself to be included in communication to other people.
My head was little obsessed in using some of the communication network and…
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pmalykhina avatar
pmalykhina 24 Aug.

Very good!:)

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Attending trading about Information technology For Government Schools in Tanzania

Grobal Outreach Tanzania gives insight about Modern Technological advancement for the Children, Parents and Teachers working in Government Schools in Tanzania. This Organization provide training for free to enable one to become aware of the computer technological threat to children and parents, enable teachers teaching in suitable environment, understanding about the well and better use of computer and other devices.
We learned different things and after that we use computer devices to study ins…
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neoGe avatar
neoGe 24 Aug.

Well begun is half done, All the best.

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Losing weight with food, little body exercises and resting

How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science
There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast. However, most of them will make you hungry and unsatisfied. If you don't have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up on these plans quickly. The plan outlined here will: ú Reduce your appetite significantly. ú Make you lose weight quickly, without hunger. ú Improve your metabolic health at the same time. Here is a simple 3-step plan to lose weight fast. 1. Cut Back on Su
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Every one has the passion in something.. Mine are not clear yet but i love movies and basically the stories made in each movie. Today i watched these movies and if you have ever watched them you will realize how hot they are.
Blind since the age of two, 20-year-old girl and eventually she was implanted some pair of eyes.... she started to see things..The night before her discharge from hospital, she sees a shadowy figure accompanying a patient out of the room and the next morning the patient is …
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