Erka_shildeg's Blog


Next Steps

Now the Contest Is Completed, Do This
Now, I ’ve just got finished my contest on a Dukascopy Marathon. Let’s talk about what to do now to:
  1. Keep my enthusiasm for continuing the good works that already started
  2. Take advantage of the momentum that gained during these 21 days
  3. Prepare to do it all over again, but this time, even better
  4. All of above
Mongolia: I want to share with you one of the interesting natural beauty which is about 40 kms from my home
So, what is next; Is the game over? Let’s …
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Summary of Results and Achievements
It is almost the time to complete the marathon, and I am proud that I have achieved the tasks during the last 21 days. It has given me great encouragement and motivation to pursue on right lifestyle and good habits to lead me to greater achievements.
One more day left to complete the marathon, it was pleasant and energetic days to post and read and get motivation from others.
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Weekly summary sheet

Weekly Progress
The results of the week starting from March 12 are much better than the week before and it looks like that I am on track almost in all 9 areas except meditation that forgotten twice.
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Weekly Progress

Weekly Progress
I am sharing my weekly progress measure. It looks like that I am on track but have failed in few areas. I was miscalculated my daily amount of water as 1.5 l until I found today that it has to be 2.1 l per day based on my age, height, weight, and nature of work I do. So I will increase it to 2.1 L from next week onwards.
Meditation. I tried several types of meditation but it was not as easy as I thought. So I made some researches and found a book about efficient thinking and medi…
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My baseline information:
1. Cutting out fast food, packaged juices, sausages and other products that include sodium glutamate- I am a regular user of packaged juices and sausages and fast food. I have decided completely cut these products from my food items.
2. Cut out alcohol- I am not a heavy drinker but specialists noted that to drink 3-4 beer per week is a sure way to become an addicted drinker. So I decided to cut it off completely.
3. Drink an adequate amount of water- I do drink water irr…
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