Community Blog

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New social feature: mentions

Hey people.
To make the communication more vivid, we've introduced mentions.
How it works

Once commenting someting, e.g. a photo or a blog, you can invite somebody to do the same or address those, who already participates in the discussion. He/she will receive a notification.
You can mention:
  • those who you follow
  • those who follow you
  • those who has commented the post you want to mention someone under.

To mention:
type @ and at least 3 first letters of the nickname.
For instance, if you follow m…
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 14 Mar

nastiatru , you wanted it badly. Give it a try.

HelgaPehkel avatar

Nick_T is an act of a real man!

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 14 Mar

Andre1 , взгляните. Возможно вам понравится.

nastiatru avatar

i like it so so so much!) Thank you Nick_T !

Atashi_Tada avatar

oh yes, type, type my name, more, more, do it again!!! :D

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Developer's blog: some new features in the community you missed

It's been a while since I posted some community news and it is good time to do it now. So what has happened to our beloved project recently? A lot.

1) Extended blog functionality - LIVE Charts in your blogs
We have implemented a different text editor that has a unique feature - you can insert Dukascopy charts in your records. You can add indicators, draw on this charts and play around with them how you want. This, we are sure, will make posting of the blogs about your trading even more enjoyabl…
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 8 Nov

The live charts are awesome, i didn't explore before this feature, but now i will do in my future blogs :)))

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just a test, have a good day
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geula4x avatar
geula4x 31 Out

+1 Liked: Nice picture :-)

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Developers blog: what's new in version 1.16 - INSIDE INFO

Dear friends, it has been a while since I posted some community news and feedback from developers team. Here I am again, sharing our successes and also failures with you.

So what's new?

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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 20 Set

Thanks :)

HelgaPehkel avatar

only forward, do not stop!!

alifari avatar
alifari 20 Set

Dukascopy community is like a family for me, some days I spent more time here than with my family. As happen in every family, we help each other, we compete with each other, we fight, we complain but everything in right spirit. Thanks Dukascopy for such a wonderful community.

Victor avatar
Victor 20 Set

I can say for sure this is a great success and not possible with out the hard-work of the dukas-team. I have witnessed the transformation from the very first "strategy contest"(without the DFC) in old format and this is truly remarkable. . great going.kudos and cheers

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 20 Set

Great to hear such feedback. :)

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Dukascopy Community Webinars

Dear Community members, If you still did not know, our Dukascopy Forex Community provides its members with the opportunity to join daily webinars to discuss the latest trading ideas and strategies as well as hottest topics in the world of finance and economics. Moreover, not only can you participate in the webinars and ask questions to help you improve your trading, but you can also broadcast your own webinars! That way you are able to share your thoughts on different questions while earning 30 …
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SpecialFX avatar
SpecialFX 23 Maio

Lots of different and interesting webinars available these days, I still remember when there was only 1 or 2 per day, and none of them from community members... :)

Gita avatar
Gita 23 Maio

very true! and now we have webinars from 7:00 GMT to 19:00 GMT every workday almost none stop! :) the more the merrier! :)

SpecialFX avatar
SpecialFX 24 Maio

At this rate, the next step will be webinars during the weekend :P

Gita avatar
Gita 24 Maio

sure, then you can host those during the weekend :P

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Developer's blog #2, new update is coming up

Dear DFC members,we have rolled out the update for closed testing. If everything goes well, you'll see 2 new contests today or on Monday. We still have a very busy and exciting roadway to version 2.0. You'll be amazed and you won't recognize the current DFC in 2-3 months. Hopefully the changes will be for better.As for now,
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Fake Credentials

Dear community members,it's cool if you use fake credentials. Everybody does it everywhere. It's even better if you have a sense of humor and are named Kung Fu or Chain Saw. But, when it comes to giving you the prizes, there is a little problem. We open the account in the name of the Participant. And we take this name from your profile info. Also, there are the registration rules that you have read and accepted.And they say: "Participants agree to provide true information during registration. If…
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Airmike avatar
Airmike 12 Abr


Airmike avatar
Airmike 12 Abr

Hi Nick, I would like to ask, If you find my ideas as valuable. I just need to know, if I can continue, with some more. I need feedback from you :). I put all this ideas only to my blog to avoid expectations from others. Its only for my followers, nobody else can see it. So I want to know, if you want me to share this with others, or you want to keep just like alternative suggestion. All of us have some expectation. But if it’s only my view, and you don’t agree with some of them, then it’s better to let me know. I will keep it for myself.

Airmike avatar
Airmike 12 Abr

Other thing I would like to know is some time schedule of changes, do you have some deadlines?
There is lot of changes, lot of contests. I don’t even remember all of them :) . And you planning add some more. There is lot of work for you. I have been thinking about trading contest. I was sure that this was main project with target to create trading network, (all this signals with sharing and subscribing). Maybe it was just my imagination :)

Airmike avatar
Airmike 12 Abr

I just want to let you understand. this things needs my full attention and Its bit strange to write this huge articles if I was wrong. :)

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 12 Abr

We are always looking forward for hearing some feedback. Besides, community is experiencing changes and some of your suggestions might be used in the future.

And you are right, Trader is in the center of the whole picture, with the prize budget of 180k per year.

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