Блог Alexana5


My friend commited a suicide, how to deal with it?

Hello, Everybody!
Today I got a shocking news, that my friend commited a suicide!
And I cannot believe it, because it was a kindest, open, honest and positive person I knew!
So it seems he looks positive, hiding all this things inside, which makes him do such a ,mistake.
I still can't believe, Why some people hiding worries, problems or pain behind their Smiles
I know, that in social its not "polite" to share your worries and so. But hiding it and don't share it with friends. Why?
The saddes…
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Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 5 Сент.

Right now I just knew, that Im more intent to my surroundings, and people around.

Stix avatar
Stix 5 Сент.

Thank you ! :) :)

bharatholsa avatar
bharatholsa 5 Сент.

Very nice of you Alexana5 to share this valuable life experience. My condolences for your loss.

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 7 Сент.

so sad

Tinktank avatar
Tinktank 7 Сент.

I'm sorry for your loss

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Purpose of Life

Who knows what a purpose in life he lives for, or what he want to realise?
I think its important to asking yourself time to times, what am I doing? Im on my way? what is my purpose?
Why I writing it?
I want everybody to think and listen his/her inner voice and wishes they have inside.
What was your dreams, (your real dreams, not created by marketing tricks,but your own)
I know that Im living my life with a purpose.
And its important for me to realise it.
I like to reminding myself about it, bec
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Convallium avatar
Convallium 13 Апр.

good post)

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 13 Апр.

I agree, that everyone should think about it

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 14 Апр.

Iam living by my dream) Never stop til i get it!

aAndriusik avatar
aAndriusik 20 Апр.

I think my purpose of life is to meet and help people.

aAndriusik avatar
aAndriusik 20 Апр.

living your life and don't ruin others.

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