
タグ・フィルター:  Dating

Who wants to date me?

We are in 2015 so the traditional roles of what a man and a woman should do can be turned upside down. Chasing women is fun but it can also be stressing. So is there any woman who wants to chase me instead? I promise I am a gentleman, I can give good conversation, and I have lots of interests. You can understand a bit about me by reading my few posts on this blog.
Sooooo.... Anyone biting? ;-)
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Andrea_Sfiligoi avatar
Andrea_Sfiligoi 2015年12月06日

@VictoriaVika  should I read that as an invitation? I assumed i would get 0 likes on this post ;-)

Andrea_Sfiligoi avatar
Andrea_Sfiligoi 2015年12月06日

Natalia_Kisenko  thank you for liking this. It's unexpected.

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 2015年12月06日

Andrea_Sfiligoi your post is unusual and not common.
And I much respect all unusual things and people :)

Andrea_Sfiligoi avatar
Andrea_Sfiligoi 2015年12月06日

VictoriaVika  thanks, I take pride in being the weird guy of the bunch :-)

Andrea_Sfiligoi avatar
Andrea_Sfiligoi 2015年12月06日

VictoriaVika  so what time should I come to pick you up for dinner? ;-)



Ok Ladies and gentlemens, part 2 :

  • Gossipers
Gossip plays a big part in the lives of women within the Albanian community. They know who’s dating who and who is invited or not invited to the next social gathering. In many cases, they tend to do whatever it takes to get the latest dirt. If you notice that your girlfriend is prominent in her social media sphere and changes her Facebook profile picture frequently, you might have a heavy gossiper on your hands.( i just discovered i
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Mariia avatar
Mariia 2014年03月12日

Good, interesting blog! It will be useful for men:)

Erialda avatar
Erialda 2014年03月12日

Thank you Marija i thought it may be useful not only for men but even for public opinion :)

Mariia avatar
Mariia 2014年03月12日


Alice1 avatar
Alice1 2014年03月15日

Hahahah my favorite part



Hello to everyone
I know that from the tittle you will be surprised , but i will write something funny about this topic and no i am not in the dating auction for today .Do you ever happend to read something very funny and not true about your people and your country , well it happend to me and i laugh a lot .I really don't understand some journalists in what facts or opinions write something ridiculous about something they doesn't have real information.Everything started by reading an article w…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Erialda avatar
Erialda 2014年03月12日

Oh Nice to meet you Alexana for being in my country, i appreciate your opinion and how friendly and generous are Albanian people :)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年03月12日

:) Thank you! From witch sicy are you? Ive been in Tirana and Durras.

Erialda avatar
Erialda 2014年03月12日

I live in Fier City Near Valona or Vlora and i am 200 km away from Tirana :)

Relu21 avatar
Relu21 2014年03月12日

Well writen by Beautifull Young Lady

Erialda avatar
Erialda 2014年03月12日

Thank you Relu21 very kind of you :)
