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5 things to do in order to get promoted

Hey everyone,
Remember I just mentioned about something like quit your job immediately if you hate it since life is too short wasting time doing thing that you dislike?!
Oh right oh right! What if you dare not to make change or you do like your job?!
Okay, then we gonna move on to what you should do in order to get promoted
Here are 5 tips for you, not sure if it really work well, but at least you won’t get fired easily lol
1. Be Available
Be Available doesn’t mean only showing up for work.…
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Convallium avatar
Convallium 24 Oct.

good blog

fxsurprise8 avatar

6. Compliment your boss

isomere avatar
isomere 24 Oct.

Good post!

peachynicnic avatar

fxsurprise8 or flirt ? or seduce? or ...? lol

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Life is too short to do what you dislike

Have you ever thought about the job that you are doing is what you desire?
Do you like or satisfied with the duties and roles of your work?
Sometimes, people may stay at their position just because of the salary
They got no passion no mission no vision or any motivation in their work
Every day is like doing routine tasks, and the cheerful moment is a minute before knock off
There are the advisement launched by a job-hunting company
The photos are really inspiring and meaningful !!
They sho…
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peachynicnic avatar

VictoriaVika haha, maybe there is really someone hiding inside !

peachynicnic avatar

fxsurprise8 You wanna get fired ?! Please control your p**** well lol

ALTAS046 avatar
ALTAS046 23 Oct.

The hardest part of work,
is to pretend you’re working hard.:!!))

ALTAS046 avatar
ALTAS046 23 Oct.

!!In one tab you’ll have your email.
And the other you’ll have your shows.))

peachynicnic avatar

ALTAS046 True !! I find it the hardest to pretend I am working

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The ideal age for women to get married is...

As women we have a lot more choices in life now. Unlike our mothers, we don’t have to get married in earlier 20s and we can postpone marriage and family to pursue education, career and independence first. However, sometimes having too many choices in life might make things more complicated.
What is the ideal age for women to tie the knot? When it comes to education, economics, personal development and childbearing goals, below are some pros and cons of getting hitched at every age:

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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 24 Sep.

идеальный возраст 25-30 лет,до рано,позже уже ни одна женщина не согласится)))

seediee avatar
seediee 24 Sep.

I married at age 30. And I take a break to focus on child-rearing, It takes a serious toll on my career. But, I have never regretted! They are my treasure. And now is right time for me to get back to work after I gave them the best first years! :)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 24 Sep.

But on the other hand, getting married in your 30s is much harder. And it's getting more and more difficult with age.

JBTrader avatar
JBTrader 24 Sep.

later is better

sonjatrader avatar

I think that the ideal for marriage age is 30-35 if you want to have children. I have 42 I am not married and have no children. I feel married to my love with which we have been together twelve years.

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Love/Money? The Best is Yet to Come! Task 13

For love or for money? To be honest with you, when I was small I was dreaming of becoming an astronaut. So, that doesn’t answer the question… Obviously, I didn’t become an astronaut, but it was a wonderful and unusual childhood dream. Back to reality, right now I’m on a path to building both, career and personal life. My professional life or I guess financial independence is very important to me. I don’t see anything wrong with enjoying and taking pride in making money. As long as …
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Magic_FX avatar
Magic_FX 29 Aug.

+1 !

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 29 Aug.

Современное общество вынуждает женщин быть всем.Мы должны оставаться женственными и одновременно быть финансово независимыми)...В этом есть скрытая ирония,не находите?)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 30 Aug.

Absolutely! Women face a lot of pressure these days. As you said, we have to be everything and at the same time project happiness and not show any stress. I think pressure was taken off men and put more on women. And that’s why you see a lot more quality women than men. It’s not easy. But it looks like you managing it well..:)

mag avatar
mag 30 Aug.

the blind men of new york?

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Love or career?

When I was a little girl my dream was to have a boyfriend. This dream came true because I have a wonderful boyfriend and we are together for 2 years and more (happy me ^^). Now I am in last year of college and to deside which path: love or career is more important to me is very diffcult because I want to get merried when I am going to be 25 and from that year I want to have my first baby. I think I will choose both because if you want to have something you need to want to have and there is no "i…
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