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Отсортировано по тагам:  Animal


I love horses! Just look at their eyes and u see all the world inside it. I love that feeling when u stroking their neck or big nose, they are so warm and I feel myself really pacifed In the future I will absolutelly have my own stable! Have u ever ride on the horse? It is incredible feeling and at this moment I feel a unity with a nature. If you have never had contact with horses, it's time to fix it. You will not regret!
P.s.: my favorite breed is akhalteke horse (see on the picture)
Я обожаю …
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Мои питомцы - морские свинки

Этим летом мне посчастливилось приобрести двух замечательных морских свинок.
Девочка по имени Шанель , розеточной породы представляет собой источник энергии,который не оставит равнодушным никого. Веселая , характерная и очень голосистая .
Мальчика зовут Шнайдер и он гладкошерстной породы. Полная противоположность Шанели- суперспокойный и любвеобильный.
Парочку я взяла не только, чтоб они не скучали, а скорее для разведения. Конечно же в зоомаркете мне сказали,что это очень просто. Поговорив с за…
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Scratch a lemur^_^

Hey hey hey :-) Today I would like to show you a short video in which you can see how is responding a lemur, when it is scratched. I used to think that only some lemurs on YouTube are so cute clumsy and funny. Buut... When I saw a lemur in real live, I just fell in love with him!:-D he has incredibly cute big eyes, he moves slowly and he was very shy! Also he likes clinging to everything, such as hair or clothing! But also he is quite strong, it is difficult to detach myselve from him. Hope you …
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mcquak avatar
mcquak 13 Сент.

I like lemurs it's always relaxing and funny to watch them :)

FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 14 Сент.

Ya, he/she is for sure enjoying that or perhaps badly needs a shower. :P

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 17 Сент.

that little fellow sure likes to be scratched :))

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Meeting with lemur

Meeting with lemur
This winter, quite by accident, I visited a neighbor of my friend Sveta. He works as a photographer for 20 years, but I do not expect to see such things at his home! In his flat there were Siberian tropics, or rather a mini-zoo He has an owl, several snakes, a large black cat Maine Coon, taeniopygia guttata (4 birds) and a wonderful inimitable lemur!) He is bery cute! He's a little slow, he has wonderful small hands with funny nails, which he grabbed my hair as vines. Then h…
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What Animal Are You?

What year were you born and what does it say about you? Chinese New Year Animals – Just like western horoscopes, Chinese horoscopes are based on the movements of the stars and other celestial bodies and believed to be able to predict everything from what sort of love life you’ll have to what color your lucky underpants should be. There are 12 animal zodiac signs in the Chinese New year zodiac with each year ruled by a single sign. To find out which Chinese zodiac sign you are, match your birth …
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 9 Сент.


sonjatrader avatar
sonjatrader 9 Сент.

In Spain we say about pig: " I like all even as he walks". Interesting animal ???? Rgds

mag avatar
mag 9 Сент.

Horse !!!! to run

Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 10 Сент.

I am tiger :D

Neetu avatar
Neetu 16 Сент.

I'm a monkey. It is a bit accurate for me, but I'm also a virgo and really organized.

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