Hey everyone,
Remember I just mentioned about something like quit your job immediately if you hate it since life is too short wasting time doing thing that you dislike?!
Oh right oh right! What if you dare not to make change or you do like your job?!
Okay, then we gonna move on to what you should do in order to get promoted
Here are 5 tips for you, not sure if it really work well, but at least you won’t get fired easily lol

1. Be Available
Be Available doesn’t mean only showing up for work. As an employee, you are resource of company. You should possess some kind of skills or strengths and be ready for any arrangement. Try to broaden your job description and be a competent resource to impress your boss.

2. Keep Your Nose Clean
Since there is no one would like to have a brown-noser as employee, you can be ambitious, but never be over-ambitious. Don’t give an impression that you are an out-of-control trouble maker. Make sure that to show your boss why he hired you, but don’t overdo it.

3. Be Part of the Team
Even you hate the people whom you work with, just bite the bullet and show them a fake smile when your boss is somewhere around. Show him you are a good leader/ team player and have a great compatibility. You don’t need to invite your hateful teammate over for tea but be considerate and cooperate with them. You will never know what you can acquire something from them.

4. Speak Up
Don’t keep your brilliant idea or opinion at the corner of office. Bring it up on the table during the meeting with your managers and boss. Any constructive contribution could impress your boss, and he many probably give you some sound suggestion on how to better your chances.

5. Always be Professional
Starting from your outlook, dress up with nice suits and clothing. Then keep a positive attitude and envision your career, keep up with your visions and mission in order to create your own position and profession.

If you find these 5 tips annoying and don’t wanna waste time doing so or have never done so. 2 possibilities: Congrats, you may have the aspiration to be your own boss. Or, sorry for telling the cruel truth that, you may soon get the sack since your boss see no strengths of yours
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