To be honest, I rarely read books, and I'm not embarrassed about it. What I mostly read are online newspapers, Episode app stories, and Cosmo.
Russian Cosmo has made quite a good progress, it has become more relatable, and stopped fixating on sex. The last two issues had very inspiring interviews with Chris Hemsworth and Angelina Jolie.
Last time I read a book was last winter. Actually, for the whole last winter, I read only two books and I don't remember which was the last one. The Wren/Calikusu by Guntekin
and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Ann Bronte. Both were novels and very engaging and they were not wrap-in-blanket books for me, they kept me excited. I would definitely recommend them to young ladies.
In the first book, I got to know about the life of a Turkish orphan-girl and how she discovered the hardships and terrors of being a young and attractive lady. Why did I read this book? I've been watching Turskish series with Fehriye Evcen based on this book, but they were canceled, so I had to read the book to know the ending.
In the second I got to know about a very common disease, called alcoholic degradation of personality and what do families of these people have to go through.
The book gives a very detailed description and drives attention to the still actual issue.
Besides, both books have very beautiful love-lines which made them even more interesting.
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