The fact that a normal man spends money on a woman is a fact. It does not happen that he does not. In different periods of his life he does it differently, in different situations and in different volumes, but the fact that he does it is absolutely certain.

When people get acquainted they need to know each other, for this it is necessary to communicate and spend time together. And if the first meeting can still do with a walk, then the second and third are unlikely. And here the question of providing such joint leisure falls on the man.

What he can afford a place, they go there. No, there are also men who want to split the account with a woman on dates. But if the first happens, then in the second and third, and doing it is somehow not right. And most often, these meetings are no longer happening, because of the lack of desire of a woman.

Then, when the relationship begins, one of the roles of a man still be a getter. And he tries to provide the woman in the volume in which he has the opportunity and desire. The woman only forms the necessary request. And the opportunity to satisfy him remains for the man.

And the woman has the ability to determine whether it is enough or not. So it turns out that a man gives as much as he can and considers it necessary, and a woman determines how much this is enough for her. And if not, there are already several options for further development of the situation.

Someone takes what is, someone inspires the man for more, someone goes and provides himself with the missing himself, and someone is looking for another man. The choice for each particular woman.

But you need to understand that if a man is ready to provide the woman necessary - a roof over her head, food, clothes and leisure, and she wants more and better and she goes to another man for this, this is certainly her choice, but this story is already "not about love".

And how do you think how much a man should spend money on a woman?
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