How to Stay Calm

I had a lot of stress for an extended period of time and tried to get out of it and sharing some of the effective ways to eliminate them. There were a lot of writings on positive thinking and negative thinking. But the positive thinking is not the best way to eliminate worry and stress, and forcing ourselves in that direction may backfire. Rather than telling yourself to “think positive,” it is much better to define what is feasible and possible.” To define the possible we need to have a discerning internal voice or our GPS that alert us to turn around as soon as possible in case of heading in the wrong direction. The more we turn around from the wrong direction the sooner we will succeed and stresses will be forgotten.

Physically, we can reduce the stress and tension, as tension are not only related to the brain but also our vital organs such as the heart and lungs and muscles in our body. So, opening up the chest muscles are the fastest way to reduce the stress and gives relaxation through our body. Anyone can practice an easy chest workout exercise at home or in the gym. The alternative can be stretching arms overhead and then let them drop slowly, stretching them out slowly to the side and slightly behind you like a bird spreading its wings, or Tibetan prostration type of exercises will also do. Repeat 21 with a deep breath and notice how much more deeply you can breathe just by opening and relaxing the chest.
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