Tips for Self-improvement

Our efficiency improves by applying simple handful few techniques. Some of these are:

  • Exercise increases blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain and our brain power boosts
  • Every brain is wired and forms the habits by repeatedly doing the same action over course of time (21-66 days depending on difficulty levels of habits)
  • Sleeping well helps our body strength and clear focused thinking
  • Right diet helps our cells to grow healthy and has healing effects
  • Have an attitude and optimism to do a task “Do It Now” without procrastination that will lead to greater achievements and reduces stress level.
Act on an item the first time as you read or touch it. Countdown 5 to 1 and start. In other words, act before the mental barriers are activated like “It’s too hard; maybe later; I’m not in the mood; I don’t feel like it” etc… The consequence of not doing tasks in a timely way is an inability to focus on the work at hand because of the voices in your head reminding you of uncompleted tasks.

I would like to summarize these with Goethe’s wise saying.

Lose this day loitering—’twill be the same story
Tomorrow—and the next more dilatory;
Each indecision brings its own delays,
And days are lost lamenting o’er lost days.
Are you earnest? seize this very minute—
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Only engage, and then the mind grows heated—
Begin it, and the work will be completed!
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