More and more the new trend becomes fashionable: female shaving female shaving face. In the world it is not new, Japanese practice it long ago. In Japan there are even salоns offer this service. Now fashion to female shaving face has come to America and Europe. It is practiced in salons, it is also possible to see video instructions how to do it at home. Shaving face not only for removal of hair undesirable, but also procedure works as a peeling. Legends (and, perhaps, and the truth) go that Marylin Monro shaved her face to look better on a photo.I do not know, will be it fashionable to us, but the first thought was "oh, horror"))) Perhaps, it is really necessary procedure. But, before implementing, of course we need great experts)) I Will look what this fashion will lead to)) And if someone already tried, share your experience and the opinion))) It is very interesting to read)) What do you think about this?))
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