I've submitted HyperScanner to the JStore, which runs on the Remote Demo or Live server.

Its companion is HyperScannerDisplay which is able to display each scan's results
on your local JForex platform in real time as each scan cycle completes.

HyperScanner ==> DO NOT run HyperScanner on your local JForex platform because it
will subscribe to all available instruments. This will increase your internet traffic,
so it should run on a Remote Server. Use HyperScannerDisplay on your local
JForex platform to display the scan results.

If you are a micro scalper, then it will be of interest for you to know the "profit potential"
available on various instruments through the day. Display is sorted from High down
to Low profit potential.

Profit Potential is defined as: The Average Profit you could obtain if you were able
to Buy the lowest Ask and sell the Highest Bid price during the sampling interval.

When you run HyperScanner Remotely, you specify the Maximum Average Spread.
If that is exceeded by an Instrument, it is not displayed.

Happy Micro Scalping !!

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