The official designation of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria The nature of the system is republican The area is 2,281,741 km 2 The capital, Algeria The main cities of Oran, Constantine and Annaba 32.08 million (December 2003) Population 1.53% population growth Arabic national languages, Tamazight The official Arabic language The Algerian dinar currency Business days are from Saturday to Wednesday and from Sunday to Thursday for banks Religious holidays Eid Al-Fitr, Eid Al-Adha, the first Muharram, Ashura, the Prophet's birthday New Year's Day, May 1: Labor Day, June 19 anniversary November 1: Anniversary of the liberation revolution, July 5: Independence Day Official holidays GMT + 1 The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria is a country located in the north of the African continent, bordered to the north by the Mediterranean, to the west by Morocco and the Western Sahara, to the southwest by Mauritania and Mali and to the southeast by Niger. East of Libya and in the northeast of Tunisia. Algeria is a founding member of the Arab Maghreb Organization in 1988, a member of the League of Arab States and the United Nations Organization since its independence, a member of the Organization of African Unity and many international and regional institutions. Algeria in terms of its area, the second largest African and Arab country after Sudan, the eleventh in the world. The climate in Algeria Mediterranean climate in the north, with mild and relatively rainy winters, and temperatures between 21-24 May in summer and 10-12 in winter. Highlands, the least rain, the winter is snowy, cooler than zero zero sometimes. Its dry hot summer. The atmosphere in the south is desert, with refreshing nights, summer with degrees above 50, carrying the winds of Siriku (known as Al-Shuhaili), and its winter is interspersed with monsoon rains. Al-Matariyah is estimated to be 400-600 mm northward annually, increasing from west to east, reaching its maximum in the northeast of the country at an average of 1000 mm at times.LeftCenterRight
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