Everything is stable with Dukascoin. The cryptocurrency of the Dukascopy bank costs above 1.20 euros and this cannot but rejoice!Any way, even despite a good course, you dont be hurry to sell while DukIn Dukascopy 911 is often asked the question - What is prise of Dukascoin now?If you do not know how to do this, I will tell you. The Dukascoin exchange rate is written to the dukascoin.com website on the main page.Even in online banking in Dukascopy Connect 911, you can see by doing a few easy steps.
Let's see the statistics for today
BID - 1.28 euro
ASK - 1.34 euro

Total Dukascoins released - 3,706,640
Yesterday released- 2,800

Total MCA account opened - 185,332
Yesterday account opened - 140
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