• Drink an adequate amount of water: more water became habit for me and hot temperature helped, at least 2.0 L daily at first week, 2.5 L in second week and 3.0 L in the third week but should say that hot temperature helped a lot to drink more water.
  • Drink a glass of water 15 minutes before eating : one of the most intelligent ways to reduce your meal size, I used this technique before marathon and will continue as diet habit for life, anyway using big cup to drink water will help you to drink more and also will help to reduce your food consumption.
  • The last meal should be 3-4 hours before sleep : For me my dinner just fruits, one apple, one banana or some orange but just fresh fruits, rarely I eat dinner and if done, it will be followed by walking for 30-60 minutes.
  • Do not compare yourself with others: working on your self and your body will strengthen you physiologically and emotionally and you will got satisfied by yourself and in this point you will admire yourself and stop comparing yourself with others.
  • Walk at least 10 000 steps every day : my daily steps last week was around the needed 10,000 steps, but with new records high just below 15,000 steps this week, in simple calculation, I walked more than 21,000 steps, more than 100 Km in the last 21 days, this duty accomplished with 100% compliance.
  • Run at least 1 time a week : Done 3 times in last 3 weeks,every one in 30 Minutes, around 3.0 Km, it is not an easy duty but when you have strong well to do, it will be very easy.
  • Do 30 sit-ups every day : This technique with other done every day in my home or GYM before the marathon,this video done by me in the gym.
  • Spend less time on the social networks: it is the big challenge to do it, as one felt addicted to social media nowadays, there is some improvement from week to week but most improvement in weekends.
  • Sleep 8-9 hours per day : 5-6 hour was my daily sleeping routine before marathon, but reaching 9 hours is not easy for one with wife and 2 children, most of the days 8 hour sleeping achieved but most success in weekend days as one can sleep more.
  • My weight at the beginning of marathon was 76.7, with simple techniques used above, it felt to 75.3, next week to 73.5 and yesterday night at 72.5, it means 4.2 Kg loss in 21 days with very simple techniques, this is very encouraging for me to continue.

  • and Today at :

  • [b]Finally this photo for me in the gym yesterday:
[/b]Thanks for all,
Good luck for every one,
my all love for every one,


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