Hello New Year!
Everyone has those days when you woke up realizing that the year is almost gone and you catch yourself with thoughts like "What have I done this year?", "Have I got my shit done?" "Did I change somehow to be a better person?". And if you can reply "Yes!" to one of this question, congratulation! You are one of the lucky ass who can really work hard and do something. But most of the people like me will start to panic and think like "Shit! I've wasted another year of my life trying to be no one and doing almost nothing! how can time goes that fast? This year I swear I will do something meaningful and become a successful person!".

And every January we make so many wishes we make so many plans.. Hoping that this year would make us better and less lazy. I have no idea what will happen this year but at least I have some hope to not completely fuck it up! Let's pray for that!
And I know that I suck in blogging... please forgive me, English is not my first language and who cares... Happy New Year if you are reading this and wish you to not fuck up and do something this year, so we won't be those people who's waking up in the end of December with thoughts like "Shit! Another year got passed without any shit done!".
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