Hello, community!

Work is a big part of our life, isn't it? We spent a lot of the daytime on the work. We speakinf with our working team, make different decisions and even dispute at workspace.
We can have many friends among employees or we can have few friends or maybe no one. It depends on our character and goals.
But! What will be better for us and the results of our work? Whether influences our employees to work?

Yes, working team is very important for our results at work! Want to know why?
A good team:
  • It increases self-esteem
  • Improves motivation
  • It makes work enjoyable and interesting
  • It can help and support
So, when we have comfortable and good work team we can be more happy and our effectiveness is more in few times than when we have the team where we don't want to be!

And this is my work team:
Have a good day!
All the best, Anastasiia!
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示