Hello community members,

Im writing to you because of my bad feeling about Dukascopy Community Live contest.
In last months we can see worse customer services which we can see in very late winners announcments.
When i wrote about it to support on this friday (17.06.2022), they answered that results from 3rd and 4th week of May will be announced next week (this week). I think it's disregard since now should be announced results from JUNE weeks...

I also want to point out rule of contest:
IV. The results/winners of every contest period will be published during the next week.

As we can see this rule is broken by organiser of contest.
In my opinion that's not fault of Dukascopy which provided us contest for many years, but there is problem with someone who manage this contest and WE as community should act.

I think that we should tell about this situation to our account managers and let them inform supervisor about what is happening, because person who is managing contest isin't doing this job properly. As customers we have rights to require some level of customer services. Many of us started trading with Dukascopy because of their trading contest. Nowedays we have less contests and worse quality than ever.

Hope we can bring back old good Dukascopy Community Contests!

Your friend, Hoshigakiii
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