Hand to introduce and tell us a little bit about our global favorite: a cat called "Masia" (I apologize for not having a very good picture, and there are no pictures on her new phone).We found it on the street about 6-7 years ago (I don't remember exactly exactly). The cat does not have a breed, but nonetheless it is very beautiful and graceful)))). I treat dogs well too, but cats matter to me especially. I want to immediately point out that despite the stereotype that only loves cats themselves, I cannot agree to that. My pet always meets at home when someone comes home and gives me some gratitude. However, my cat has an odd advantage in running around the apartment at night when everyone sleeps))))). In summer, our cat loves to live in nature and hunt birds and other small animals, so we take her to the hut. In general, I admire her love of hunting)))))). I find something in this bold and wild. I admire these freedom-loving creatures
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