What to do about it? Do not take the man away from the first problem, creating a second. If a woman adequately talks to a man without creating new precedents, then the man has nothing left to do but react to what the woman is trying to convey to him: "Aleksey ... My dear man ... I'm sick of the fact that you do this to me . I do not like this. Please. "And that's it. Idle time, an adequate phrase. And the result of such a dialogue for a woman will also be different.

When a man from a woman hears such a statement of the question, if a woman is not indifferent to a man, then he immediately wants to help her. A man perceives a woman as a weaker creature, for which he can do something, and not an opponent, which must be defeated. Do not add to the problem with which a woman turns to another man. The first then generally fades into the background. And there are many such moments in the relationship with a man. It is useful to know about them.

And how do you talk to a man about problems?
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