Hello! I'm very happy to participate in the marathon. It is really great opportunity to do something useful for yourself: set realistic and achievable goals. I strongly believe people have to be healthy and beautiful! Talking about myself I'm 33 years old, I enjoy working out regularly and it's part of my daily routine. By doing simple steps like drinking enough water or starting food intake diary I could become so much more organise, healthier and happier. If you stick to a certain plan, you know what to do and what you could achieve. What a great feeling of achievement! I like the feeling of working out hard, and then relaxing after! Heady feeling after a training session when you've showered, dressed and ready to take on the world! That's why I included in my goals 3-5 times a week workout plan and yoga classes! I enjoy being in the gym, like body pump, cardio and dance classes, and of course yoga. Good yoga or body balance class for me similar to massage! I also believe it's important to make sure you enjoy what you are doing. That way, it's more likely you'll keep it up.
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