Hello everybody! I hope you great !! Briefly about my summer and my plans. Long time I've been dream about to visit Rome and finally my dream realized this year. It's really magical city where walking along narrow streets it is pleasant to think how many centuries to all beauty surrounding me.... how many great people was pass by same road !! A lot of attractions, delicacies, beauty and moral and esthetic pleasure was waiting for me on every corner. I will not list everyone, but I will focus on 2 which have sunk into the soul. Orange garden where is opening top view on all Rome ... it's really magical place and the most interesting that half of tourist even don't know about this place. On Italian it's call giardino del aranci If one day u are going to Rome, visit this magical place with Italian ice cream and nurture the beauty of this city in good company or alone. I give you 100 point you will be happy ! Watch , enjoy and eat an ice cream I don't know what the secret of Italian ice cream but it's really amazing !
Second place it's Fontana di Trevi good news! Reconstruction of the fountain is finally completed! Enjoy the beauty, relax and most importantly make a wish and throw a coin. Looking back and seeing how many people desire to do this will convince you that the desire will come true! have questions? Ask me ! Ill with a pleasure
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