July 2019 it was the date of the live binary trader contest closure and the reason for that was (not proved to be neither popular nor successful) .
and in the same statement, it's mentioned this sentence (it is highly possible that the prize fund will be increased along with the number of winners.)
It was since roughly 2 years and till now it's not any increase in the prizes.
Last week we saw the standing of the contestants and see how much Traded volume they made to be in the top 10 or top 20 to be able to win any prize.
It was very ridiculous the comparison between the commissions done by the contestants and the prizes that didn't change since 2 years !!!! .
the member rijad made over 30M lots !!!! babanu 10M , ForexBugiy 5.5M , VitoFX22 5.5M , RetroSnaker 3.5 M and so on .
if I got a prize from any demo contest I have to do 10M lots for every 400$ of this prize to be free for withdraw and we see the overall prizes every week here only 1500$ !!!!!
NOW we see the volumes that done every week DOUBLES of the volumes that were made in 2019 and the prizes now are meaningless comparing with the amount of volumes that done from the first 10 ranks.
in 2019 it was very easy for everyone to participate in this contest with only 50 or 100$ and win top 3 prizes , now its IMPOSSIBLE to participate with this small fund and get 500 or 250 or even 100$ even if i made Profitability more than 200% or 300% cause its another contestants have a fund over 1000 to 2000$ and can easily made huge huge commission that impossible for anyone have a small deposit to make over 1M volume !!!!!!

We've written more than 5 blogs in last few months and no one from the admins or the orgainsers of the contests gave us any respond about increase the prizes ,, If every week the participants made over 50 or 60M or more than that of volume SO Dukascopy can increase the prizes very easily .

Please we need a response on this blog and dont do as every blog written here ( Let them speak and they will forget it when this blog disappear in next week) .
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