Shopping... "Holly grail" of creativity... Holly spirit of holidays are still here... Creativity and good mood is in the air... We all love shopping and rest our minds in the peace a little bit. Shopping of art, can be very funny and creative. I love to buy presents for family and friends.
This winter i bought some interesting books for friends and me. And here are some results of my art work. Artist Henri Matisse inspires me, so i bought his book for very good price in Austria in city of Vienna:

In my case museum Albertina is my "holly grail" of shopping This winter i also buy some sweet things, candy shops are just irresistible in Vienna. Colors and taste of one house of candies are so aristocratic tasty, here is some colorful picture of the paradise of the candies:

Arty design and this beautiful red color looks so good and inspiring for the shopping, just amazing. Personally i like to buy a lot of books, especially art books and learn from the biggest artist.
The word winter associated me on glow and shine, new projects, fresh and clear minds, opened for new and creative ideas.
For this winter for me must have products are: good strong perfume, good hand cream and products for the body care:

Golden shiny stuff, classy designs, good smells of perfumes, classy bags for the shiny nights, full of desire of the living... Winter seems so elegant no matter it is so cold this year, there is another side of this ice time. In front of the candlelight , nice music is playing, good book and glass of wine is in front us , it is so warm and comfortable, great time to spend days with your loved ones , and you have more time to read some of your favorite books and magazines and buy your favorite books for good prices on winter special sales. There are so good prices for everything, and on this time of the year, you can buy a lot of things for the whole year.
Fashion and style, glow and creativity, smiles on our faces ,warm clothes, good vibes, creative ideas, and work what we love ,writing and reading put our soul on special level or or existing. And the word "sale" can be only one good piece of cake on our already sweet feelings of inspiration of living for the hunger of creation, creation for our visions , vision and hunger for good taste of class. So cheers for the good beginnings of the year, cheers for the new projects and new clothes.

And here is the collection for the springtime, great silver shoes and so elegant skirt for the all ladies of the world, women´s just deserve this kind of respect.
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