Happy new year, everyone.

I'm addressing you on behalf of the team behind the Community and related services.

What do we want to do in 2014?
As many of you, we also have our New Year's resolution. And I am keen to open this information to you.

We are going mobile

We already have mobile trading platforms, now it's time for the website. We'll have the mobile version of Community quite soon.

We are becoming even more social
We are very close to publishing a mobile application that would help you connect to your community contacts, send free instant messages to regular phones, enjoy free VoIP call, see the latest notifications from the community, etc.

We are launching Miss Dukascopy 2014
This will happen in the end of January, the prize fund is going to be greater and we are going to have more nominations - thus more freedom for you which strategy to choose. I will post an extended version of this concept later on and will maybe broadcast a webinar, if you like.

We are extending the contest family
We promise to surprise you in 2014. You've already noticed the Trader of the year nomination we have introduced. There will be more contests.

We are constantly improving the environment we have
Optimization, facelifts, bugfixing, tuning - add more synonyms to the rigid work we are into. It will work faster, look better, be more intuitive, have loads of new bells and whistles.

What have we achieved in 2013?
The user count has increased 3 times, the number of contests has risen from 5 to 12, we've introduced blogs, q&a, we've had Miss Dukascopy 2013 - the unique contest we no peers on the Net, we've changed the model of Trader Contest, and so on. 1525 tasks were issued and resolved, this is 2 times more than our planning system has seen during 2011 and 2012 years taken together for the project you are part of. In other words, we were very ambitious and we have done a lot.
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