Hola, Hello, Hi, Hey, Assalam-0-Alaikum People of community !! Hope everyone is fine ))
Second last day of the contest.. Gonna miss these days.. The month was spent fabulous by performing deeds and tasks of the marathon .... !! Moreover, during this month i have lost some weight which is a good news for me and i am happy ( YAYYIIEE ).

Well time to tell today's activities.. As usual woke-up and cleanse and moisturize the face, hands and feet. Done some morning exercises and little steps of yoga than drank water.. After breakfast done some house chores and cooked lunch for the family ))
I made minced meat and potato dish with yummy salad ( no to junk=garbage food ) .. At evening, done again some squats & went for small run and than later had tea (little sugar added for taste ) with kebabs..

Daily i am completing and accomplishing my challenges of the marathon successfully.. As i was a couch potato and i don't really like exercises but for past few months i have been started doing squats and due to marathon contest i got some more motivation to do some workouts to stay fit..
Now in Pakistan it is sleep time and i am going to sleep now.. Good night all lovely people of the community..
See Ya !!
Ta Ta !!

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