Everybody dreams of a perfect match for himself or herself in life. So today, when a lady here on the chat asked me what I was looking for in a woman, I thought of writing it down. Next time someone asks -- she can read this blog post.

Well, the thing is, I am a complicated person, so it takes some exceptional woman to take on me. And so, no matter how self-centered this will sound, this post will again be about me.

I am ambivalent on the idea of marriage -- I could get married, or I could not, it's the same to me. As long as I am in love, marriage is not important. So I guess I'm open to all situations. I can be a lover, a husband, a business partner, a father figure, a boyfriend... many things.

I am a bit ugly but I like beautiful women. Deal with it. I will not settle with someone who I don't find attractive, It would not be honest to be with a woman and look at other women. So women who are looking for an Hollywood actor should look elsewhere. My past girlfriends were all beautiful.

I am an artist and I love to paint portraits of my woman. She must be my muse. My inspiration. Marcel Proust said " Let us leave beautiful women to men without imagination." I say, let's leave ugly women to Marcel Proust, and I'll take the others ;-)

I am middle aged (47 now) but I like younger women. Any man likes younger women, and those who say they don't, are liars. It's nature, baby. My ideal age is probably between 28 and 35, but it really depends on individual maturity and looks.

I cannot stand smoking, heavy drinking or drug use. Really, if a woman does these, she has zero chances with me. Zero.

I think life is better without children, but I could change my mind. But i'm probably too old to be a good father.

I have a Peter Pan complex, and I am not going to change for a woman. I did it in the past and I was unhappy, and in the end it broke the relationship.

I am a writer and a creative person, so I need someone who leaves me alone when I am working. Talking to me while I am writing is NOT good. When I am with a woman, she has 100% my attention, and I turn my mobile off.

I am not a rich person. I work on things that I like, not necessarily those that bring the most money. In the current economical situation, I am satisfied. I drive a modest car, own a decent-sized house with a big garden, I can travel a bit, all doing things that I like for a living. But gold diggers should stay away from me -- I have a good talent at sniffing them out.

I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I eat eggs, milk, cheese, butter, honey, and any form of plants and fruits known in Nature, but I will not eat animals of any kind. While I don't force my diet on my partner, she will get brownie points for being lactovo or lacto vegetarian or vegan.

I am a Hindu but in a very loose way. In everyday life, I never bring religion in the topics of discussion. So women who are deeply religious and won't date out of their religion (especially the less inclusive monotheistic religions, like Christians and Muslims) better stay away from me. I have no problem with agnostics, atheists, or people who just don't care.

I think red hair and green eyes are beautiful, but I like all colors and combinations. I prefer pale skinned women. I find freckles attractive. But the best thing is a nice smile and a cheerful attitude.

I love animals and children. I get along well with boys around 10-12 because I can teach them my games (I'm a game designer) and they often have the best idea.

I love movies - especially science fiction, fantasy, superhero and horror, but I will watch any movie, even soppy love stories.

I love reading, both comic books and fiction/non-fiction. A woman who gives me a book as a present is already winning my heart.

I live in Italy and I am not likely to relocate.

I am an iphone/ipad user.
Not a religion but that's a preference.

I do not like sports and do not watch TV. I do not drink to excess (I only like mead, and I drink it maybe twice per year).

I guess that's all -- feel free to ask. I told you I was complicated!
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