I remember watching a movie The Secret when I was 12 years old. It was saying that anything you can dream you can achieve and that the universe is there to serve you. Of course, I believe that almost everything created in the universe is there to serve humans. It was a very empowering thing to hear. Also one more great idea the movie proposed it that you should always visualize what you want -- to see if you really want it and stay motivated. So one convenient way of visualization is a Vision Board -- a board where you clip your dreams so that you are more likely to follow through.
My visualization board clipped^^. So. the biggest dream of my life is having a big, glamorous house like Kris Jenner's but with a longer pool, so that I could actually swim. And meeting the man without whom I will not be able to picture my life/no idea how he looks like.
I think once you have a vision board it starts working as a motivation tool for you and reminds you what you are striving for, which we all need sometimes. I feel inspired by having it.
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